Hi there.
My name is Gruglar the quietsocruel, dark Skaarj lord with a very short temper. And a fetish for nalicow paws. °_0 don't ask!
Bored out of your mind? Nothing to see in the universe but the same stars, the same stale planets?
Get out of that rusty chair and move your fat behind to Napali asap.
VIsit our weekly slave market in Nyleve's falls.
Sick and tired of cleaning up the nali bodies in the town you've just massacred? Agitated with the fact that those darn blood stains can't be removed from your clothes? Annoyed by those stupid nalicow crapping all over the world? We understand, who'd want to touch that brown goo?
NALI! Yes, they can come in quite handy indeed. For many years they've been slaving in the tarydium mines. But that's not good enough.
The slaves we sell at our HUGE market are much more flexible. They will clean up all the crap in sight (even when you crap on their head, they will perform their duties. Try it and see for yourself). Clean your fighter jet, change the pupae's diapers and oh so much more!
Though I wouldn't recommend moving them to close too those annoying tentacles. Now matter how conditioned these pests appeared be, their instincts will suddenly take over and they will massacre your slave.
So, a note of warning and heed the advice.
All slaves have been beaten severely and any thought of rebelling against their masters (Yes, us, the mighty skaarj race!!!) has been erased. Some have only three arms left, but these "slightly lesser models" can be acquired at half the price!
Ain't that a nice deal? You bet ya!
So what you're waiting for? Sure, it's nice getting out the leash and brutalize some nali in the tarydium mines, but that's your job!
Have some fun in your spare time with your own personal nali slave/s.
Even better, check out our website Suww(Skaarjuniversewideweb).stupidbuthardworkingnalislavesforU.skaarj and browse our models.
Order two nali priests and you may get a discount for the 12th and 13th month of the year. BE QUICK! ORDER NOW!
See you at the weekly market! Be there, or we'll find you anyway and the master Warlord will have you beaten by nali slaves.
*Oh and we did consider selling some Krall slaves, but decided we'd rather kick them in the granoks or so. It's so much fun.*
My name is Gruglar the quietsocruel, dark Skaarj lord with a very short temper. And a fetish for nalicow paws. °_0 don't ask!
Bored out of your mind? Nothing to see in the universe but the same stars, the same stale planets?
Get out of that rusty chair and move your fat behind to Napali asap.
VIsit our weekly slave market in Nyleve's falls.
Sick and tired of cleaning up the nali bodies in the town you've just massacred? Agitated with the fact that those darn blood stains can't be removed from your clothes? Annoyed by those stupid nalicow crapping all over the world? We understand, who'd want to touch that brown goo?
NALI! Yes, they can come in quite handy indeed. For many years they've been slaving in the tarydium mines. But that's not good enough.
The slaves we sell at our HUGE market are much more flexible. They will clean up all the crap in sight (even when you crap on their head, they will perform their duties. Try it and see for yourself). Clean your fighter jet, change the pupae's diapers and oh so much more!
Though I wouldn't recommend moving them to close too those annoying tentacles. Now matter how conditioned these pests appeared be, their instincts will suddenly take over and they will massacre your slave.
So, a note of warning and heed the advice.
All slaves have been beaten severely and any thought of rebelling against their masters (Yes, us, the mighty skaarj race!!!) has been erased. Some have only three arms left, but these "slightly lesser models" can be acquired at half the price!
Ain't that a nice deal? You bet ya!
So what you're waiting for? Sure, it's nice getting out the leash and brutalize some nali in the tarydium mines, but that's your job!
Have some fun in your spare time with your own personal nali slave/s.
Even better, check out our website Suww(Skaarjuniversewideweb).stupidbuthardworkingnalislavesforU.skaarj and browse our models.
Order two nali priests and you may get a discount for the 12th and 13th month of the year. BE QUICK! ORDER NOW!
See you at the weekly market! Be there, or we'll find you anyway and the master Warlord will have you beaten by nali slaves.
*Oh and we did consider selling some Krall slaves, but decided we'd rather kick them in the granoks or so. It's so much fun.*
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