NPC Woes

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Feb 20, 2002
Previously on the show.....
Trying to get a player bot to walk around aimlessly and non threateningly instead of flying around shooting everything....

Have managed to add a nali cow, mesh changed to Male bot, skinned accordingly, then brains set to human, attittude_friendly.
This is working very well....The bots mill around in the bar, walking slowly between the tables minding there own buisness.


If i shoot one, immediately UT locks up and i have to restart the PC. I changed the Carcass type aswell so its not that.....
So close, but yet so far...

Anyone know how to spawn with no guns at all, thats what i want for this level.....


New Member
No scripting needed!

I figured it out. If the person is starting with default weapon/ammo, that's an enforcer with 30 rounds. So...

do this:

place miniammo right on the player start
Lower miniammo so that it's below floor (to make it invisible)
edit that miniammo's properties: Set the following to (without quotes):
Ammo > AmmoAmount="-30"
Collision > CollisionHeight="128"
Inventory > RespawnTime="2000000"

Make sure the collision height is high enough to collide with the player start point. Bhidden and even setting the miniammo to translucent with a black texture wouldn't prevent it from looking its usual. (even Display > DrawScale 0.0 didn't work) (this is why I resorted to dropping the ammo into the floor :) ) I also couldn't get rid of the "You picked up 50 bullets" message from being displayed despite deleting the message from Inventory > PickupMessage. I think the ammo stuff is hardwired in.

Fortunately, the AmmoCount isn't. Setting it to -30 will rid the player of his ammo. Oh, crap!--

--The impact hammer. Does it crash UT if you use that?
If so, I guess the AI link will have to do. Unless I can figure out how to get rid the hammer. I'll let you know if I do.

and if you want ammo later in your level, just ad it, and make it so the player can't return to the bar.


New Member
There's a

zoneinfo > bNoInventory, but when I've used it in a zone, it's not effected player inventory, nor did it disable weapons from being able to fall from a fragged opponent. (which I think might've been the intent of NoInventory)

Though this reminds me. There is a zoneinfo > bNeutralZone that may do the trick. Players/bots still can and will fire there weapons, but the weapons don't usually do damage. I say usually, because every once in a while there's a glitch, and damage occurs.

If you can get bNoInventory to work, let me know. I'd like to see an example of it to find out if there's some obscure detail I didn't change to get it to function correctly. :)

Give bNeutralZone a try. Oh, and I think it was the splash damage type weapons that caused the occaisional damage glitch. The question, though is does the projectile collision cause the crash, or does the actual damage cause it.


Feb 20, 2002
Well theres some food for thought,
I would like it (player) to appear with no guns at all, but no ammo will do if i cant figure the no guns dilemma.
UT doesn't crash when the bots are killed, its when there shot, and a blood spray is visible......Which made me think it was the corpse type, but i changes that to malecommando / female commando respectively.
Glad there are people in these forums that are willing to help....


Feb 20, 2002
If the gametype is set to Unreal(singleplayer)
bNoInventory works just fine,
The gun is visible for about .4 of a second then disapears
Aswell as the HUD settings for weapons.

This wont work if the game is set to UTDeathmatch, or DeathmatchPlus or whatever it is.

Still, it works


Nov 3, 2001
Visit site
Not sure if it's the same as what your talking about, but a good while back when I was still playing Unreal 1 There was a server that you could go to online where you spawn with no guns and could go from room to room looking for a new skin, even mirrors you could look at yourself in when trying one on...

...but back to the subject, I really can't remember the name of the server or who had it, but if they did it in Unreal1, i'm sure it could be done in UT.


Feb 20, 2002
I have seen it work in UT multi in a custom AS map i downloaded called AS-Deepwoods.
Its in the form of a gun turret called INF_ADD_M20.
When you run up to it (behind) all your weapons dissapear and you control the gun.
When you back off, your guns return.
Sometimes, if you run past it to close, your guns vanish and you keep going with no guns....
The gun is a mesh (M20), controlled by a trigger but the trigger has no unusual properties that i can think of to make your weapons vanish...
(head scratching)........