Noob question here...

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Crunchings and munchings!
Mar 25, 2001
Forgive the stupidity of my question. I've done a few minor searches and come up flat. It's pretty late and I'm way behind on classwork so I begg some extra brain power from my fellows :)

I finally talked a friend into trying INF and we tried to hookup online. The idea was to use one of our machines to start a listen server. We just wanted to walk around and let him get a feel for the game, maybe throw in a bot or two later.

Well, I suspect that my router was the biggest culprit here, but he couldn't connect to me at all. If this is the case then what port range do I need to tell my D-Link to allow?

Also, are there any other settings I need to worry about? I've only ever setup LAN games before and those went off without a hitch...mostly because whoever runs the LAN, typically has also installed all the copies of INF as well :D

Heck, even if someone could point me to a good read/resource I'd be more than happy to go read up on it. But I'm just beat, the week is already hammering on me (bloody customer support job...correction, bloody customer IT support job), and I have to go back all week to the dumest user in the known world (who's Eudora folder just magically went away, oh, ya it's gone, trust me, along with four years worth of email)....anyway, so I humbly thank anyone who can steer me in the direction of some helpful info, I'm doing my best to convert people to INF all the time :D :D




Koohii o nomimasu ka?
Yes this should do if the router is the issue. Check also for local firewalls on your machine (e.g. Zone Alarm or such software firewalls).

Forgive the stupidity of my question.

No question is stupid but the question one does not ask...

... and maybe the one asked for the 1000 th time, but that not your case here so you can rest in piece... your question is not stupid ;)


Crunchings and munchings!
Mar 25, 2001
geogob said:
Yes this should do if the router is the issue. Check also for local firewalls on your machine (e.g. Zone Alarm or such software firewalls).

No question is stupid but the question one does not ask...

... and maybe the one asked for the 1000 th time, but that not your case here so you can rest in piece... your question is not stupid ;)

No local firewalls as my hardware does a pretty good job.

And I agree about the only stupid question being the one not asked. But I was also worried about this being the 1000th time too :D :D Glad to hear it isn't!

Thanks for the replies guys!!!



New Member
Nov 26, 2004
How to set number of bot in Net War?

OK, Here goes a newbie noob question:

In Net War game, how to set a number of bots?
I and my friend need some practices in team play and we wanted to arrange a bot shoot-out. Alas, number of bots appearing in the game seems to either to high or too low (in our point of view), so wondering if possible to set a number before a game starts. I know we can kick bots out in the game, but they will re-appear in next round.

Manual say:
"Number of Bots- This displays how many bots you want to appear in your missions. This number will be divided equally on both teams, with the odd man randomly going to either side. This option is not present when Net War is selected. "
:hmm: Hmmm, must be a way, I guess? Appreciate any advise.



Crunchings and munchings!
Mar 25, 2001
NetWar works well enough for me :)

Though it can be a pain at times, but as long as the machines can see each other on the network normally, then I've not had much in the way of issues (baring file mismatches or something).

- Lich -

New Member
Jul 1, 2004
First: Running a dedicated server as cleeus suggested is really much better.

Second: Number of bots (from INF, not the admin menue): The network=>ServerConfig=>minplayers
The set number there is used to how many players the server is filled with bots. So you set it to 6 and join with 2 players=> you get 4 bots... Make sure you activate team balance in the other menue (reinforcement settings I think), or you can end up with 3 bots in your team and one in the other...

Or: Set an admin password (one of the server menues) login as admin (adminlogin <password>) and use the console command :

addbots x

where x is the number of added bots.