Hopefully our servers will be back up to snuff by this weekend. We are also in the planning stages of adding another 1 or two servers using a different ISP to increase redundancy, so that should help.
Once our ISP get's thier issues fixed, we are going to try to make use of this forum to schedule gametimes on the servers so that people will get together more often. The problem demonstrated by what you said. You stated no one plays on-line. Earlier today, our Team DM server had 9 people on it. The problem is that the community is spread all over and everyone plays at different times and people will not play with bots longs enough to draw more players into the game and few join a server with 0 players on it. In order to get a game started, someone needs to take that plunge. If I catch the server empty, I try to join and play for a while. It never fails that there are 6+ players on when I leave 20 minutes (or 10 hours /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif ) later.
SG Servers also has a few other plans. We are considering setting up a server whose game modes, settings, etc. will change weekly based on a poll run from our page. This is probably a month down the road, but we hope to increase usage by making the servers appeal to a large audience rather than being configured the way my staff and myself prefer them. Until now, I think most Server Admins have chosen to run servers for themselves and let other people join in. Since we eat the cost, that makes sense, but we would also like to provide servers that are configured by what the community asks for.
Also, the 2.8 release will definately help things out.
Plus, with the addition of the Real Maps server and the other servers that are coming on-line there will be better selections so people can find a better ping. And ping is what draws the players in many cases.
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