No XMP music??

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Active Member
Jan 21, 2004
Are you guys going to use the original music that was made for U2XMP in later releases? I mean you guys ported all the other assets... music is like the easiest one to do i'd think...

EDIT: Not that there's anything wrong with the UT2004 music, but I was kinda hoping that we'd have XMP music too
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New Member
Nov 19, 2004
if you want, you can port it yourself. or just move the u2xmp sounds to utxmp.

if you press, f11 i think or one of the f9-f12 buttons. there is a thing for you to choose the folder with whatever music you want.

I was listening to some ut2k4 music with xmp earlier. im sure you can pick mp3s as well with the ingame music player that they added.


New Member
Nov 13, 2004
{NB}oni said:
if you want, you can port it yourself. or just move the u2xmp sounds to utxmp.

if you press, f11 i think or one of the f9-f12 buttons. there is a thing for you to choose the folder with whatever music you want.

I was listening to some ut2k4 music with xmp earlier. im sure you can pick mp3s as well with the ingame music player that they added.

if i were to listen to mp3s while playing utxmp, wouldnt it lag?


Co-Founder, U2XMP [Ч] Clan
Feb 26, 2004
teh Intarweb, duh
actually, it might lag (as in FPS, not ping) if you are on a low-end CPU, as mp3 decoding is cpu-bound, and the unreal engine has historically been more of a cpu-bound game compared to quake and a number of other engines.