Night Vision/ InfaRed/ Laser Sight

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The Joker

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Mar 13, 2000
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Okay i came across this idea while playing infiltration, my fav mod. I was playing with darkmatch on when i thought of an Idea. the idea is NightVision (All Darkgreen, and the opponents come up Bright Green or White) and/or, InfaRed (all dull White and the opponets come up Red), and the laser sight ( a red dot or a actual laser trail, these would be pretty sweet to have. maybe not as a pickup but as a addon like just to bind to a key. say i hit I and NightVision pops on. One could even go as far as to have A Green or Red Glow around the head of the person using the Goggles, that way bots and other players would see the light and know they were being Spied. just an idea. i know people have probably already brought this stuff up but i care not. /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

P.S. You guys gotta make the FAMAS 5.56 assault rifle, medium accuracy, excellent fire rate, its a buet

"Cry Havoc And Let Loose The Dogs Of War"
the JºKëR has spoken


Reason & Logic > Religion
Okay Joker, go to the message board and search for night-vision, infra red and laser sights. You'll find out what the Inf team's response was to those questions. Finally, YOU didn't come up with "Cry Havoc and let loose the dogs of war." That's in "Julius Caesar!"

The Joker

New Member
Mar 13, 2000
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Ohhh, your good, but guess what, no shit. i know where the qoute is from dumbass, and i reitterate. " i know people have probably already brought this stuff up but i care not. " i put that in the first post, smart guy, now if i want your lip.......i will jiggle my zipper

"Cry Havoc And Let Loose The Dogs Of War"
the JºKëR has spoken

The Joker

New Member
Mar 13, 2000
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your right, but what i meant by medium accuracy was that it was not like a sniper rifle type accuracy gun.

"Cry Havoc And Let Loose The Dogs Of War"
the JºKëR has spoken