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New Member
Jun 15, 2011
For many years I played the original Unreal Tournament, I had many skins and mods and maps.

I decided to upgrade to 2004 edition.

I am mostly looking to play the game with my sons who are 9 and 11.

My wife likes to keep things as non-violent as possible so I am setting up the Paint ball mod.

I got it up and running no problem. If there other painball mods out there could you direct me to them?

In the orignal Unreal there was a mod that handled other mods and skins, I don't seem to know how to do everything with 2004.

I won't be interested in online play, only solo games against bots and lan games between 2 computers. And most gaming will be in the Paintball mod.

In the original game you went into multiplayer and setup bots and such, and had to go in the bot config separately to set up bot, and there was a mod that allowed you different bot set ups. In there you could choose different skins and adjust bot levels.

I also am looking for maps kids would like, and trying to avoid maps with adult content.

Lego maps, giant room maps/miniature player maps (like running around the size of a action figure in a bedroom for example), Christmas maps, winter maps, colorful kiddie maps, video game orientated maps like Mario, Sonic, PacMan and so on.

Also looking for skins, lego, superhero, robots, Star Wars, cartoon characters. The original Unreal had a Bender character that was cool, but he had adult language taunts, I over rode his voice with other voice packages.

Will I be able to run custom maps and skins in the paintball mod?

I almost forgot to ask, I seem to have read somewhere that some 2003 maps were converted to 2004 or that 2003 maps are compatible. Is this true? If so I would be interested in all of the above for 2003 as well.

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UT99/2004 Mod Crazy
Mar 26, 2009
That's quite a list of questions thar. You want some fries with that?

1. No I don't know of any paintball mods TBH. I never looked for them.

2. For maps I would just look at Unreal Playgrounds selection:

Also Mapraider:

3. Again, I was never interested too much in skins but I could direct you to a UT99 skin pack.

4. I'm pretty sure you can run most mods along with the paintball mod with no problems.

5. UT2003 maps will work fine with UT2004 but the sky box will be somewhat screwed up most of the time, annoyingly enough, if you try to run a UT2003 map in UT2004.


Jan 20, 2008
In UT2004 you choose bots using the Bot Roster. Go to the Config tab, choose bots to be from the Bot Roster, then you'll get a new tab called Bot Roster. There you have a list of all installed bots. You take a bot and drag it to one team or another.

For even better customisation of bots, you will have to open .UPL files with a text editor. The stats there should be pretty self-explanatory. Note that editing some UPL files makes some anticheats angry for no apparent reason, but since you're not going to play online anyway, I guess it's not an issue for you.