The new skins have the right colors but not a per side
uniform dress code and because of that it makes telling
friend from foe too difficult. Keep the colors,
they are great but you need different uniforms
for each team. In real life the same colors are used
(give or take) but the shape/style of the uniform
is always unique as possible. Being able to tell friend from
foe in real combat is a good thing (trust me I have been there.
My roomate was killed in the gulf war by FF, could have been me)
and is done on purpose because you would lose WAY more men
to friendly fire than the small gain you get by blending in with
the enemy.
At the very least put an option in for red/blue
uniform dress code and because of that it makes telling
friend from foe too difficult. Keep the colors,
they are great but you need different uniforms
for each team. In real life the same colors are used
(give or take) but the shape/style of the uniform
is always unique as possible. Being able to tell friend from
foe in real combat is a good thing (trust me I have been there.
My roomate was killed in the gulf war by FF, could have been me)
and is done on purpose because you would lose WAY more men
to friendly fire than the small gain you get by blending in with
the enemy.
At the very least put an option in for red/blue