Almost said:
...tools needed to make the next project more enjoyable to work on. HL2's engine has some major flaws in that area.
On the other hand, pain is an excellent motivator.
Almost said:
I'll leave it to others to elaborate further if they feel like doing so.
Any further elaboration would be speculation, bordering on fantasy, so let's try that. There will be
something for HL2 that will have free aim, leaning, that sort of thing. It'll look and act sort of like Inf/UT. There will be a new weapon or seven, or maybe none (the current total is 0). There might be new maps. Maybe not. Stuff from New Version Suggestions will be added on a per-whimsy basis, although of course outright derision is much more fun (and easier) than careful consideration of 10-page theses on gameplay. It's remotely possible that, when it's done, this unnamed and unmentionable thing will be unleashed to spread chaos (go chaos!) and confusion among the ignorant masses that throng to Steam's trough. Uh, but we still like you guys, really. Mad love to the proletariat.
Enjoy the enlightenment while it lasts.
[NOTE]: erehwoN, please apply ample PR before this hits the forum. It could make me sound like an abrasive buffoon. Thanks.