New Mod/Weapon Idea!

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May 29, 2004
Philly, PA
Recruitment? Lol Nah, I'm the last guy you want in your team. Ok, anyways I can't mod/code so I'm unable to make this mutator myself but maybe one of you guys will be interested and make it yourself.

Ever felt vehicularly (<-- not a real word) overwhelmed by the opposing team in ONS? Well anyways I think the grenade launcher is a very useless weapon, I know some of you may disagree but I hardly ever see anyone use it. Okay think of this, instead of having a GL you have an EMP-Bug Launcher. A gun that fires a bug (not a real one) at the speed of a flak or shock rifle bullet. If a vehicle gets hit the EMP bug will send an Electro-Magnetic Pulse that will IMMOBILIZE the vehicle for X amount of seconds, X should equal 5 - 15 seconds. Anyways the vehicle that is hit CANNOT move but CAN still fire its weapons to defend itself. Max ammo for the gun should be 3 to 5 bugs, don't want ppl to go shooting every vehicle they see. The gun should be found in the main base only since it's a pretty cheap weapon to have. Left-click fires the bug, Right-click activate the bug's EMP.

This mutator should have a Configuration Menu that lets the user configure the time the bug will render the vehicle immobile (btw 5-15 seconds) and and max ammo of the gun (btw 2-5 bugs).

The EMP Launcher can be the GL. The Bugs can be the grenades in the GL. That is unless you want to go and make a whole new looking gun and bullet. The EMP effect should look like the effect when you shoot a lighting gun at a vechile, you ppl with a good graphic card should know what I'm talking about.


Jun 10, 2004
Maybe it's just me, but I don't see why this would be a useful weapon. I can see the value in immobilizing a vehicle, but if this thing holds 5 bugs, and they go at the same rate as the flak grenade, it doesn't seem like it would be all that easy to hit a vehicle. Since it only has 5 rounds I'm going to assume the fire rate would not be all that fast either. Wouldn't the Avril be all-around more effective since you would not only immobilize the vehicle but also destroy it? Granted, the Avril may take a few hits, but it homes, and shoots at a decent rate, so it might be more effective.

Not saying that it's a bad idea though, but maybe that it needs to be a bit different in order to be useful. For instance, maybe a faster projectile speed, shorter immobilization time but faster fire rate. So you could hit a vehicle repeatedly to more or less keep it stunned, with only a very small amount of movement possible between stunnings. If it has a small ammo supply and doesn't move all that fast it will probrably be easy to miss with, and even if you do hit the person will be immobilized for long enough that they'll probrably just get out of the vehicle.


May 29, 2004
Philly, PA
"at the speed of a flak or shock rifle bullet..."

Should have just put shock rifle laser. Anyways this is a delay weapon, a non-moving vehicle will be vulnerable to every other weapon for you or your teammate to take it down easily, with maybe an Avril? I thought of this mod to stop goliaths, leviathans, and raptors since mantas and scorpions aren't as big as a hassle to deal with. Think if your team is down to their last node while the opposing team is rolling in the tank(s) (plus other vehicles) instead of trying to destroy the tank (which is sometimes a suicide task that is left incomplete) before it gets a clear shot at your last node you'll immobilize it with the EMP thus for delaying the attack and can take down the what is now just a non-moving turret. If the driver/pilot abandon their vehicle the EMP gun has done its job, wouldn't you rather deal with a footsoldier than someone in a vehicle? HiJack that vehicle after you're done with them. Even if you don't like the weapon wouldn't your rather have the EMP Laucher versus the GL?

If the raptor gets hit and the EMP is activated it'll fall like a ton of bricks.


New Member
May 7, 2004
Instead of a weapon, how about a EMP mine? If anyone ground vehicles run over it, it will immobilize them for 10 seconds or so. Perhaps maximum of 2 mines per gun?

Though, how to place the mine would decide how balanced the weapon is. If its like the spider mine, then it be harder to get vehicles such as the goliath or the scorpion. But if its shot and placed (kinda like painting with the ion cannon painter) then it should be easier to knock down the big vehicles.

Anyway, I think the EMP thing itself is a good idea.


I'm dead.
Jan 10, 2004
Richmond, VA
GuruKnight said:
Anyway, I think the EMP thing itself is a good idea.
As do I.

Maybe the EMP Rifle or whatever could be a subclass of the Ion/Target Painter with only a couple rounds per pickup and a delayed instant-hit fire. Though that would make it hard as hell to hit the Raptors, which I think that would be the best part of the weapon, especially if you disabled jumping out of them after they're hit.

I'm not too good at coding, but I may give it a shot just because I'm always starting things just to see if I can do them. Usually I can't. :lol: