New mod-to-be

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New Member
Feb 3, 2005
I've been contemplating this idea for a while now, I'm still not at all certain I'm going to do it due to legal issues (and my somewhat limited programming knowledge -- this is minor, i know some and have friends who konw lots). But, that's not the point.

Basically, the idea behind the mod is to take UT2004 and turn it into that classic Blizzard game -- StarCraft.

Not totally, though. It won't be a real-time strategy. Think something along the lines of... Savage mixed with Battlefield, with some C&C: Renegades in for good measure, all put into the StarCraft universe and done by UT2004.
Basically ground-level SC, complete with marine rushes and zergling floods.

The potential legal problems are obvious. However this will be free (obviously -- hence, non-profit), and radically different from SC: Ghost. If anything I would think a mod like this would enhance their sales, especially if it's any good ("If some amatures can do *this* with StarCraft, I want to see what the pros can do!").

So here's what what I'm looking for:
a) Is anyone interested,
b) Would anyone like to help, and
c) How many of you expect me to get sued by Blizzard over this?

If enough people are interested, I'll start posting my (already somewhat extensive) ideas as to how the mod would work.


New Member
Feb 3, 2005
*sigh* Unfortunately that's what I expect too. Still seems a bit stupid to me though. I mean, I understand about IP and all that, but I mean, come on! People make fan-fictions out of their games all the time, on their own forums. It's not like they're being sold or nothing.

Sorry, I'm ranting. I'll stop. *grumble mumble*

Alright, just one more beef I've got. StarCraft: Ghost's graphics make everything look like toys. Except Nova herself. Well, she looks like a toy too, but a different kind.


Alright, so I looked around for other TCMs bringing games into the SC universe. All the ones I could find (except for one for WCIII) had all been shut down. Although, I did only see three (the WCIII one, a C&C: Generals one, and a DoW one). But still... I geuss this was a doomed project from the moment I came up with it. I suppose I could just change all the names, but that would kill it.

*shrug* Perhaps the reason they killed the other mods was because they're all RTS's. Or maybe Blizzard's just paranoid. Hell, I took a quick glance and found a whole buttload of Star Trek mods for various games out there. But whatever. I'll just give it up, until I can come up with a better mod idea that infringes on fewer I.P.s...
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[SAS]Solid Snake

New Member
Jun 7, 2002
New Zealand
The question lies on what Blizzard feels about their I.P. Say for example there were 2 games for sale from Blizzard using the Starcraft universe and there were 5 free games on the internet using the Starcraft Universe. Now you have effectively 7 games using the starcraft universe, and it is highly possible that the 5 free games may be of better/equal quality of the games being sold (depending on the mod group, i.e a group of professionals or a group of well-trained individuals). How will the sales of the 2 games do? Pretty poorly to be honest, and everyone will prefer to grab the free games even if they require another game because they get a better deal (2 games vs 1 games).

The other issue is that these 5 games can also decrease the quality of the Starcraft universe becuase they were so shockingly bad. Thus people can have different views on the starcraft universe which can decrease the sales of any other starcraft related games.

It comes down to matter of sales and what may decrease them. And often the view of free games which use their universe often is viewed as bad and not really required.