New MOD needs coders.

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I'm gonna eat you
Mar 9, 2002
To close to the computer.
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Well as you can see from the subject line I'm starting a new mod and we need coders.

hmmm.... that doesn't sound all that convincing. Lets see how I can put this to sound more appealing.

:y5:NEW MOD:y5:
Thats right, a new mod and you can be the first one on your street to help make it! Help build a better tommorow and come and code! We are offering a postion as a coder for a new mod! If you apply you will recieve a lot of back breaking work, whole lots of nothing and even some nada. So come on and give me an e-mail and help make a mod!

well that was weak:p ....

Anyways we are looking for some one who can help us code for our mod, just about any one will do. So please give me an e-mail.

Heres some info one what we want to do:
Mr. postman
2 Teams
team 1- Postman
team 2- Dogs
Post try to delviermail.
dogs try to get post

thats the basic run down. if you want more info drop me a letter.

[email protected]