Some screenies of my soon to be uploaded Assault map, "AS-CastleArrrggghhh" (you may recognize the title from a certian Monty Python movie)
I didn't bother clocking framerates, I figure if it runs ok on my friends 600 Mhz. then you techno freaks with your 1Gig and over systems with your GeForce 3 vidcards and your baggy pants, and your pierced I dunno whats, and your...errrr...sorry...
anyway, yes the theme is stealing the Holy Grail.
see ya in the funny papers...
I didn't bother clocking framerates, I figure if it runs ok on my friends 600 Mhz. then you techno freaks with your 1Gig and over systems with your GeForce 3 vidcards and your baggy pants, and your pierced I dunno whats, and your...errrr...sorry...
anyway, yes the theme is stealing the Holy Grail.
see ya in the funny papers...