new map ... "Proog" ...

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"Cruising At The Speed of Iron!"
Hello all ... thought I would share a few shots of my latest map
project. For lack of a better name the working title is Proog.
So far it mostly uses two of my favorite texture packs, RichRig
and SGTech. With a little from the Mine and Decayed texture packs thrown in for the lights.
When viewing them please keep in mind that the shots have
been modified in Photoshop to make them easier to see.
Any and all suggestions and recommendations on decorations, architecture, different texture usage, lighting (see above) or
anything else would be greatly appreciated. ;)


"Cruising At The Speed of Iron!"
Originally posted by Hourences
architecture is a bit simple, and light too white and overall
You are right Hourences. The map was only about 10% done.
The architecture is very simple. Way too simple so I have
changed most of the map. Now many of the floors are at
shallow angles. And I have also added some more textures and lights etc ... learning more and more as I go ... it is never ending process and these boards have been a great help. :)

Thanx for the feedback.




Novice Nali City Reviewer
May 21, 2001
Not every map needs to be a funky labyrinth. That map seems not be a cube either. Without playing it one can't say much about gameplay but I personally (and that is personal opinion) like simple maps.


"Cruising At The Speed of Iron!"
Originally posted by Varpu
Not every map needs to be a funky labyrinth. That map seems not be a cube either. Without playing it one can't say much about gameplay but I personally (and that is personal opinion) like simple maps.

I agree. My preference has always been maps which look
like actual places instead of areas which have no apparent
purpose other than to exist. That may be why industrial maps
are so popular. But then again, .......this is UEd. We can do
anything we want. :cool:

Here is a new shot from the exact same place as the first shot
on the top of this page.
The map (and my skills too) still has a LONG way to go but it is
getting there. ;)

Thanx for the comments and suggestions. :)

:biorifle: :biorifle:



"Cruising At The Speed of Iron!"
Originally posted by Dumbcraft
Not bad...but I'd add more light sources and with that, give the map some contrast with the lighting.

Appreciate the tips Dumbcraft. Am glad you approve of what I
have done so far. ... :cool:

You are right. It does need more light sources but as I said, it is
far from done. I usually try to get the architecture down before I
do any serious lighting.

As far as the contrast goes, ...
I always brighten the images with Photoshop before I post them
here because without it the images are quite dark.

Yesterday I started incorporating some textures from Fordy's
cool texture pack. They go along great with the RichRig textures.

Maybe I will post updated images as I go along ... that way you can see your recommendations in action. ;)

Thanx again for the tips everyone. :)

:biorifle: :biorifle:



"Cruising At The Speed of Iron!"
Originally posted by Mazy
lighting sux and the architecture seems kinda random~~~

Of course the lighting sux. At the time of the shot I hadn't even
done any lighting except some praliminary lights for building
purposes. It is getting better.
Please see the shots below and tell me what you think. :)

And could you be more specific about the random
architecture Mazy? Do you mean the angles? It's easy to make
flat floors and walls at 90 degrees. I wanted something a bit
different and thought a few angled floors would add a bit of a
different feel to the map.

:biorifle: :biorifle:


"Cruising At The Speed of Iron!"
Originally posted by Chrysaor
I don't like the slanted floors, gives me a headache. The thing you need is trim and detail, but you aven't gotten to dat i suppose.

Sorry you don't like the angled floors Chrysaor. They give you a
headache? Maybe I should name the map Take_A_Tylenol_1st. :lol:

But seriously ... you really dislike them that much? They are
only in one area of the map.

And you are right about the trim and detail. The map is still
in very early stages. I'm sharing shots as I go
because I wanted some feedback from more experienced
mappers to help me along. :D

You have any suggestions for which TEX packs I should use
for the trim and/or details Chrysaor?

To be honest, I generally prefer my maps more on the simple
side. Too many textures spread everywhere like in
DM-Imago or DM-Alcore beta15 give ME a
headache. Don't get me wrong, both are well made
maps and I enjoy playing them. It's just that the numerous
textures spread everywhere give it too much of a "busy"
or "cluttered" look for my taste. And it can look rather
unrealistic too.

Appreciate the feedback ... :)

:biorifle: :biorifle:


"Cruising At The Speed of Iron!"
Here is another shot from the ramp just inside the
doorway you saw in the previous shot.

The blue light which is supposed to be coming from the sky
is still a bit strong. It was late and I had to stop.
(only have a couple hours a day to work on this)
But you get the general idea.