Warrant: They had a Warrant.
Use of Force: Lazaro Gonazalez said that he would use force to keep the boy from being taken. Put yourself in the law enfrocement officers shoes, if someone says that they are going to use force to keep you from doing your job, should you not take measures to ensure self and others protection? LE will always get the short end of the stick in the public eye in these situations.
The big Screw up: Honestly, having that AP photographer in the house, but since thats over, pointing the weapons anywhere near the boy, there was no need to do that.
My bottom line: I have NO sympathy for the Gonzalez family. They defied US law when it wouldnt work in their favor. They had no intentions of letting the father see the boy. They and the larger Cuban ex-patriate community PIMPED a little boy as a political symbol against Castro. The only person that I feel sorry for is the kid, thats it.
About the Clinton Admin piss and moan: The republicans strongly support the use of force in many situations, making them hypocrites for complaining about the tactics used to secure the boy, if the Attorney General would have been a republican there would have been little to no oppsition by republicans. But guess who would have opposed it? Yes the Democrats, they would have touted the 'save the children line'. Same thing with Waco and Ruby Ridge, the Demos would have led the charge to accuse the Repbulicans - this is what our country has come to - partisan politics, dont be fooled by one political idealogy, there would be no difference in the reaction by either party.
Sometimes I think that people forget that we are a country built on laws, that have to be followed and obviously enforced. Our comfort with personal freedom has grown to the extreme, where I think at time the good of the whole is sacrificed for the benefit of one, and where the sacrifice given by others for our freedom has been largely forgotten.
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