UE3 - GoW Need some editor screenshots - a favour

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New Member
May 3, 2008
Hi all, after visiting a conference last week, I got some portfolio feedback and have to work on some really specific stuff. As a result, I'm on a new mod project with a friend who has to do the same things, and we're in it to try and make something to Gears of War's visual standard. We're both experienced modellers/texture artists so it's within our abilities, but we're lacking something research-wise that we need.

I need some screens of the buildings from within the Gears version of UnrealEd, of the first Chapter of the game; ideally with the textures on, and with them off. Basically we just need to see what building details (arches, windows, cornices etc) in the game tend to be modeled and which tend to be textures. Obviously as we can model pretty well, we could guess (we both have the 360 version) but it would be useful for us to get actual screens.

A few zoomed out shots would also be nice, using a display mode where we can see how modular the building models are.

We do plan to buy copies of the PC version at some point of course, but we're still in the design stage right now so that's on hold for the mo.

Sadly I can offer you nothing but the good karma of helping out someone who needs it, but it would really be appreciated.
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