Greetings All:
Another member of the community suggested I post this query here, although I'm not certain this is a hardware/software issue per se. I'm recieving the following error message when I attempt to compile my custom content for Star Trek DS9: The Fallen:
I'm relatively new to the Unreal Engine, and was unable to find any specific info/tutorials on the particular version of UnrealEd that's used for this game, which I believe is Unreal Engine 1, Build 338. The error message indicates that 2 texture files ( 'Textures\DS9_CardIsoBank.utx', and 'Textures\DS9_FedIcoChpBn.utx' ) are missing, but I not even certain why these files are relevant, since I was simply trying to create a new hand phaser ( i.e. class DS9_Phaser2 expands DS9_Phaser ). Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
My system specs if relevant:
OS: Windows XP Home Edition (5.1, Build 2600) Service Pack 3
CPU: AMD Athlon 64 FX-60 (2 CPUs), ~2.6GHz
GPU: BFG NVIDIA GeForce GTX 275, ~896.0 MB
Another member of the community suggested I post this query here, although I'm not certain this is a hardware/software issue per se. I'm recieving the following error message when I attempt to compile my custom content for Star Trek DS9: The Fallen:
C:\Program Files\DS9TheFallen\system>ucc make
Parsing DS9_FedIsolinearChipDevice
Parsing DS9_FedIsolinearChipBank
Parsing DS9_CardBank
Parsing DS9_CardBankWhite
Parsing DS9_CardBankRed
Parsing DS9_CardBankGreen
Failed loading package: Can't find file 'Textures\DS9_CardIsoBank.utx'
Parsing DS9_FedIsolinearChipBankYellowMossy
Parsing DS9_FedIsolinearChipBankYellow
Parsing DS9_FedIsolinearChipBankRed
Parsing DS9_FedIsolinearChipBankBlue
Failed loading package: Can't find file 'Textures\DS9_FedIcoChpBn.utx'
Parsing BAJ_Device
Parsing BAJ_StorageDevice
Parsing BAJ_EngineeringDevice
Parsing BAJ_CommandDevice
Parsing DS9_FedIsolinearChipReaderYellowMossy
ERROR: Unable to open file MODELS\FedIsolinearChipReaderYellowMossy.c3d
History: ReadC3DFile <- C3DMeshImport <- UEditorEngine::SafeExec <- (MESH C3DIMP
ORT MESH=DS9_FedIsolinearChipReaderYellowMossy C3DFILE=MODELS\FedIsolinearChipRe
aderYellowMossy.c3d) <- FScriptCompiler::ProcessCompilerDirective <- Directive <
- FScriptCompiler::CompileDeclaration <- FScriptCompiler::CompileStatement <- Fi
rstPass <- TryCompile <- FScriptCompiler::CompileScript <- (Class LOCKNKEY.DS9_F
edIsolinearChipReaderYellowMossy, Pass 0, Line 20) <- MakeScript <- MakeScript <
- MakeScript <- MakeScript <- MakeScript <- DoScripts <- UEditorEngine::MakeScri
pts <- UMakeCommandlet::Main
Exiting due to error
My system specs if relevant:
OS: Windows XP Home Edition (5.1, Build 2600) Service Pack 3
CPU: AMD Athlon 64 FX-60 (2 CPUs), ~2.6GHz
GPU: BFG NVIDIA GeForce GTX 275, ~896.0 MB