Need a fiction writer, 2d digital artist?

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New Member
Jun 28, 2004
Hi, I am an aspiring game designer and I would be glad to help anyone on their mods. I am interested in working on any mod that will have me, I can do fiction writing, complete backstory writing, I can help with level design and gameplay elements, and I can also do banners, wallpapers and the like for the mod. I also have a little bit of knowledge in making web templates. Please don't hesitate to e-mail me, as I would be more than happy to work on more than one mod at once if need be.

I also might add that I have had past experience working with a mod team, although the mod fell through, I did some graphical work for Call of Duty: Vietnam, and am now working on wallpapers/banners for Call of Duty: Battle for Europe and an upcoming Vietnam mod for Call of Duty. (Other than UT, I play lots of Call of Duty, so thats why I have worked on alot of CoD related mods)
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New Member
Jul 1, 2004
Post Fallout

Well I'm going to start a UT2004 mod called Post Fallout

Snake, I would be happy to work with you on it. We should communicate threw E-mail. I'll send you some info on what the mod is about. If you want to work with me of course.

So I hope I will be working with you later.

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New Member
Jul 1, 2004
Oh buy the way Post Fallout was CoD mod but then we didn't have enough help and again btw i'm part of the vietnam mod for CoD.


New Member
Jul 1, 2004
There I sent you another e-mail. I'm not sure if you'll get it cause it said my e-mail server got screwed. So if you don't just tell me and i'll PM the message to you.