My New Infiltration team (Team Venom)

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I am putting together an Infiltration Team that I would like people to join. Team Venom will be run by me, all those interested or who want more information plese contact me.


Need more information about the idea. How would it work? Would there be a special, separate server, where you could join the opposition if you're not on the team, or automatically be put on the home team if you ARE on the team? Just a bit puzzled about how it might work, but a regular team is an interesting concept.



Ok, I'm not too sure about a seperate server. I would just like to get a few people together and form a team. That way we will eventually learn each others ways of game play and be a deadly team to beat. Team Venom will have to stick to one specific team colour, no matter what... I think blue.
(How can I get my own server? Is it possible. I am only really new to online play for Infiltration)