My first COMPLETE map

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"Cruising At The Speed of Iron!"
Just for kicks... here is a few shots of my first complete
map DM-BioFacility
(I don't intend releasing it online, unless, you insist of course... LOL!)
I made it a year ago before I knew how to vertex edit
in 2d or 3d. :lol:
The best lesson I learned from making this map was:
**ALWYAS consider bot pathing when designing the map**
Some areas were a real chore to get pathed right.
The drop floor in this shot for instance. :eek:


Lord of the Pants
Nov 3, 2001
Hiding in your Attic
Originally posted by LXIXGTO

By the way ...
You can see my very first door (made while taking a tutorial)
in the second screen shot. ;)

Ooo, pretty door!

it reminds me of deck 16...any inspiration?
It does look interesting, ditto with he link ... ?


"Cruising At The Speed of Iron!"
Really? You would be interested in seeing it? :eek:
There is one room in the map that I couldn't get
quite right ... so, ...I left that room kind of unfinished.
Even though you didn't INSIST, :lol: I'll work on making the final
preparations for release.
I stopped working on Bio Facility quite some time ago because
none of the brushes (until later in the map) were made with
multipules of 16 :lol: so it was hard to change anything.
Given that I didn't pay much attention to the
grid at first, :eek: it is surprising that I didn't have more
problems with BSP errors.
As far as gameplay goes... I did make a point to create some
dark hiding places which you could ambush your opponents
from. ;)
I also had to put in some teleporters to make the bots
use certain parts of the map more often.
Here is a shot of the Nali bot on the drop floor using the
Redeemer to take revenge on the bot that dropped him
into the slime. :lol:
It was a real pain to get the bots to use that drop floor at all.
But I finally got it. :D


New Member
Aug 29, 2000
god i love those lightboxes that are perfectly aligned to your light texture :rolleyes:

for a firsdt map it isnt that bad, light is a bit overall, you tried making a theme, wich is good, and it looks a bit like deck :) and bit blockyt yes, but certianly not that bad
that door texture is leet, good idea too use it like that, but dont use soo many decorations things, like barrels and **** all over the place, sux, is noobies and ugly, use real brushes, and dont overpush the use of barrels and crates


"Cruising At The Speed of Iron!"
Originally posted by Hourences
god i love those lightboxes that are perfectly aligned to your light texture :rolleyes:

for a firsdt map it isnt that bad, light is a bit overall, you tried making a theme, wich is good, and it looks a bit like deck :) and bit blockyt yes, but certianly not that bad
that door texture is leet, good idea too use it like that, but dont use soo many decorations things, like barrels and **** all over the place, sux, is noobies and ugly, use real brushes, and dont overpush the use of barrels and crates
Thanx for sharing your thoughts Hourences.
I agree with ya on the light boxes... :lol:
Agree on the decorations too. I did put a lot of barrels
in there. :rolleyes:
Industrial maps are my favorite and that theme was
what I was trying to convey.
Looks like Deck** you say? That is what a couple of my
friends said. :hmm: That wasn't my intention but, I guess any
map that has angled ramps over slime with a few crates
is bound to be compared to Deck**. :rolleyes:
Nothing wrong with Deck** mind you but, it's been done so many
times before. (Deck 1, Deck 8, Deck 32, Deck 1601 ... etc ... :lol:)
Even though the bots won't utilize the bio-suit to get the health
keg in the map, Deck 32 is the only Deck clone I like.
They wouldn't in mine either.
Sequences like that are best left to single player maps I guess.
Thinking of fixing some of the minor things (like the light
boxes) before I share the map here. Or maybe I should
just leave it alone as a memorial to newbishness.
(is that a word?)
Got many other maps/ideas that I am working on now. :D




Apr 25, 2001
It's good to discard your own work, IMO - If you think it's not good enough and crush it to make it better, that's perfectionism, isn't it? :)
...I just hope you don't end up like me: Abandoning one idea after the other, and then still releasing only mediocre maps... :rolleyes:


New Member
May 29, 2001
Visit site
I stopped working on Bio Facility quite some time ago because
none of the brushes (until later in the map) were made with
multipules of 16 so it was hard to change anything.
Given that I didn't pay much attention to the
grid at first, it is surprising that I didn't have more
problems with BSP errors.
I could make a map with a 128 minimum grid and enough bsp collision errors to make you unable to spawn at all;
who the f ck invented that grid rule sh!t? : |
Oh yes, Wolf and his "Wolf's UT" tutorials :\
They're good once you're a newbie. That's all.

God damn :\
People confuse newbies and that's what you get later... "the 16 unit grid rule".
Dec 21, 2001
Visit site
Originally posted by Luggage
It's good to discard your own work, IMO - If you think it's not good enough and crush it to make it better, that's perfectionism, isn't it? :)
...I just hope you don't end up like me: Abandoning one idea after the other, and then still releasing only mediocre maps... :rolleyes:

AWWWWWWW! Dont get discouraged it always takes time to finish a map you really like... I bet every map maker can tell you a story about a idea they had that was way awesome but when they started making the map it just didnt come out as cool as they had hoped...SO good luck on future maps... and maybe a release?


"Cruising At The Speed of Iron!"
Originally posted by cheater

I could make a map with a 128 minimum grid and enough bsp collision errors to make you unable to spawn at all;
who the f ck invented that grid rule sh!t? : |
Oh yes, Wolf and his "Wolf's UT" tutorials :\
They're good once you're a newbie. That's all.

God damn :\
People confuse newbies and that's what you get later... "the 16 unit grid rule".
Come now, it is much, MUCH easier to be able to snap the brushes to the grid than line them up manually. All the texture sizes are in multiples if 16. If you don't make your brushes that way you will be changing the texture scaling to decimals like "1.625" or 0.812 and such. I had that problem with the map you see above. :( Believe me, it's much easier to make everything
in multiple of 16. :p




"Cruising At The Speed of Iron!"
Originally posted by militaryspetproject
AWWWWWWW! Dont get discouraged it always takes time to finish a map you really like... I bet every map maker can tell you a story about a idea they had that was way awesome but when they started making the map it just didnt come out as cool as they had hoped...SO good luck on future maps... and maybe a release?
The map was fun to make. And I still enjoy playing it sometimes.
But there are some places in the map which defy pathnoding,
which is the main reason I never tried releasing it.
That and the newbish way I did some things. :lol:
Oh yeah, I think that Hourences made a comment about the
lighting. I used PhotoShop to bring up the brightness and
contrast so it would look better online. Could that be it Hourences?
I really appreciate the interest people, THANX!
(kind of half expected everyone to just laugh at it)
Sorry I haven't released it yet but I haven't had the time
to open the Editor lately. (family crisis :( :( :( )
Still have to attach the release file with the 256x256 screenie and all.
Here is an archived screen shot of the lower pit area to hold you over.
(he he ... ;) )
Have a great weekend!!




"Cruising At The Speed of Iron!"
Here it is, ... the long awaited DM-BioFacility! ... he he ...
After having trouble installing the screenshot I was
finally able to complete the map. :)
Here is the lynk:
Didn't plan on releasing it online but ...
After the positive responses I got on the screenshots
I decided to release it even with all the newbish things
because I still have so much fun playing it and hoped
others would too.
Admittedly, I did a little tweaking to the lighting and bot pathing
for this release. But basically the whole thing was made over year
ago when I first learned how to use the 2-D vertex editor
and brush clipping. :lol:

I really hope you enjoy the map. :D




"Cruising At The Speed of Iron!"
Originally posted by faderide
Cant download the file from that link. Not doing anything.
Maybe you could add it as an attatchment to you post?
Sorry about that faderide. That lynk was to the Nali City FTP
page and they still haven't put my map in the download
database yet. I would attach it to my post but the file size
is too big. (zip is 1.6 mb and max is 1.04mb)
Maybe I could make the map and music files a separate
zip file. That way the files might be small enough. Would you be
interested in that?
The page that Nali City has listed as
"Last 30 Days of Map Uploads" hasn't been updated since
November 13th of last year. :rolleyes:
My map has disappeared from the FTP page though.
What I am wondering is ... where is my map now? Is it in limbo
somewhere while it is between the FTP upload page and the map
database? :hmm:
Will all new maps have to wait until the new Nali City syte is up?

