Originally posted by Balton.de
... the site is like LSD AND alcohol! I need morwe! my limps are already trembling convuslsivic!
Originally posted by Mxtrmntr
Tho a humorous Austrian site would have been way better... ph34r our cabaretists!
Originally posted by Balton.de
yeah... like they are in GEERMAN comedy shows to get a name! ... wie hieß den der zwerg aus der wochenschau???...
Originally posted by Mxtrmntr
hmm dunno... I was thinking of old ones like Helmut Qualtinger and newer ones like Roland Düringer
Originally posted by Balton.de
Qualtinger? didnt he immigrate to the USA and changed hios name to QUALTHWAR???
Originally posted by Mxtrmntr
No...Qualtinger died a few years ago, after he had participated in the film "The name of the rose" with Sean Connery and Kevin Bacon... from what I've heard, he had to walk barefoot through the snow in that film and got seriously ill because of that, and died!
Originally posted by Cat Fuzz
O holy crap. That dumbass shouldn't be allowed to upload ANYTHING to web EVER AGAIN!!