My condolences to the USkaarj-Team <3

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Goblin Hunter
Apr 29, 2004
Hi, You probably don't know me, but I've lurken around your site from time to time always watching the things you do in amazement. I guess if I knew that you were so terribly lacking a fanbase I should have posted something but if you decide to stop working on this project, it's your own decision, as it is your project.

At first that I saw this mod, about 5 or so months ago, I was totally astounded about what is possible with the Unrealengine, and as a Coder/Mapper myself I could vaguely guess what efforts are behind such a project. With almost daily releases of FP-shooters with flashy new engines it's the flexibility and almost complete editability of the engine that made UT2004 still shine over all those titles in my eyes. You simply don't have a better documentated Coding-language or a simplier user-interface in the editor.
And then I saw this and thought: ****! RTS brings this thing to a whole new level!

I still think that a RTS-game is what this great engine should provide, since the engine of the other RTS-Games is imho far less advanced than in the world of FPS and you could have set new standards here.

With thousands of multiplayer titles out there it's no wonder that one mod after another has quit because of a small playerbase. Even a great mod as Red Orchestra has many empty servers. In my eyes, the time for online games is over. MMORPGs are eating the biggest amount of players and newer Titles lure the weak ones to their servers until there's something new and those are abandoned, too. There is an ongoing production of MP-Titles/mods and a more or less stable amount of online gamers... I leave the calculation to you.

Additionally I can imagine that being in a MOD-Team and dedicating hours over hours of free-time into developing something that should bring some fun in the lives of people can be extremely frustrating if there's nobody who is willing to take part of it by just playing the game or just giving you guys a head up (Which includes me, I'm honestly sorry.)

I hope for the future, that everyone of you guys continues the path of creating and dedicating yourself into something you like. Don't let this take you down in a way that you don't ever code/map/model/skin again! What you guys made is art and you are cowards if you decide to stop being artists. Just consider this, there's always another project waiting for you.


(BTW: Happy april fools day you bastards! .... :D)
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n00b cannon ball
Aug 19, 2004

wtf, I was looking forward for this mod to be fully playable :mad: . What do they mean by lack of community interest? They needed to release a version that had several units instead of just a handful so that we could actually play it. Were they expecting people just to play with the only version currently released. Pick the project back up and make more units! That will get interest!
... and I haven't got those BAT files for 99 to work yet!!! I'm an RTS/FPS gamer and USkaarj stands out from all other mods by introducing a whole new interface to the Unreal Tournament Series. Does this also mean there's nothing we can do to get the team back on the road?


Jul 8, 2001
USkaarj mod team still alive and Kicking "April Fools"

GTD-Carthage said:
... and I haven't got those BAT files for 99 to work yet!!! I'm an RTS/FPS gamer and USkaarj stands out from all other mods by introducing a whole new interface to the Unreal Tournament Series. Does this also mean there's nothing we can do to get the team back on the road?

We are not dead and that was a silly April fools joke we decided to do.

But the mod is alive and kicking we are currently getting the plans for the new power system ironed out and ready to start coding. also tomorrow afternoon we will be putting out a sound clip on a test song our new Music DJ is working on for the new main menu.

But one thing is sure we could use more people dropping by our mods chat channel or the forum letting us know what they think about the mod and what they would like to see added and changed.

The more people my team sees idling or hanging out on our forum the more inspired they are t work on the mod and get new stuff finished

Also Channel regs who hang out in the chat channel get Sneak peeks of images and new versions and access to news before the general public does.


New Member
Jun 27, 2003
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Visit site
I don't think that was an "April's fools" news ultimately. I haven't been able to play with someone over the net and I wish could ever do so. The only thing I can do is wonder around on my own with the current version of the mod/game...