I have a cat named Stills (Yes, he was named for Crosby, Stills, and Nash. Nash was taken before we got to the pet store, and sadly, we lost crosby last winter. And yes, they were brothers.) He is (roughly) 7 years old, and I got him while he was only a fiew months old.
He is, for the most part, a gental, calm cat. The exceptions to that is when he throws up on my floor (or worse, in my bed), or brings live wildlife into my bed in the wee hours. The best story I have happend this spring. I woke up at about 3 am hearing a wacking sound over by my computer. I turned on the light, and Stills was playing with a bleeding woodcock he had brought in. Let me tell you, a woodcock in about two feet long, and MUCH bigger than Stills. The woodcock was trying to fly, but was hurt much too badly, so it was just smeering blood all over my walls, computer, sub-woofer, and rug. eeeewwwwww. (I still have spots that won't come out 7 feet up on my wall) It didn't take me long to jump out of bed and try and reason with stills. I pointed at him, the bird, and ten out the door many times, but in vein. He just looked at me like I was some sort of idiot and walked away. I didn't want to touch it, so I just went back to sleep, and washed my walls in the morning. I still have stains all over them.
Another good story about him, is he once brought in a mouse. That day, I just happened to be doing some work on the phone line for my computer. I hadn't put the assembly back into the wall yet, and this mouse, running from Stills, climbed in. Later on that night I heard some clicking (it sounded like someone was clipping their toe nails). When I woke up, I found that the mouse had eaten through almost all of the wires in the phone line, and then started on a power cable and apparently electricuted itself... /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif. That required quite some wire splicing to fix /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif.
As soon as I can find a photo of him, I will scan and post it!
::looks over at bed:: looks like I will need to kick him out pretty soon /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif .
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