Mvpb * Rebuilding Team

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Mvpb Leader
Jan 28, 2003
Maximum Velocity Paintball
[email protected] #mvpb


I am the leader of Maximum Velocity Paintball an ut2k3 conversion. We have recently hit our 1 year anniversary and sadly no public beta. The team is having a meeting tomorrow, and recently had private discussion and we have decided to rebuild our mod team. 5-6 current team members will be resigning from the team and we are looking to pick up some fresh staff for the new year. We have a great mod team, and anxious staff awaiting our release. However we have been through some problems recently. If you have any of the following skills please contact me or post your contact information and we can further discuss a future with the MVPB team.

- Coding ( Lookng for 1 or 2 more coders for team )
- Animation
- Skinning
- Mappers ( Maybe one or More)
- Sounds
- Player Modeler

We are in desperate need of a character modeler, and animator for our team to help finish with the previous code, weapon models, maps, and skins we currently have. We already have a playable team ALPHA but we refuse to release a low quality beta. We are only looking for the best work upon release. In joining the MVPB team. You will recieve great benefits. We have great contacts in the Paintball world, and companies that are willing to help with sponsoring, and promoting the mod, upon release. Our team is fun, and we are all really friendly and dedicated. We also have guidelines and such that must be followed as well. Thank you please contact me A.S.A.P

[email protected]
AIM - ImpaqShowoFF69

[SAS]Solid Snake

New Member
Jun 7, 2002
New Zealand
Not that I am offering any help beyond this tip, but IMHO that releasing anything is better than nothing. Also it isn't like your being judged or anything so releasing your mod at any stage would only benefit since at least the public can see something of your mode.


Mvpb Leader
Jan 28, 2003
Its not about judging we have companies donating their products, and paintballers that DO judge they expect big things, and the main reason for companies like these donating products is for there Marker or Product to be created as realistic as possible so we can actually touch the marker and model it and record sounds and make sure everything is right.