I've been wanting to write a simple mutator to help players get more in the Christmas spirit. Unfortunately I've been running into a problem getting this mutator to function correctly on a dedicated server.
Here is my current code.
This works very simply:
There's two arrays, one array of strings (song names), another array of ints (song durations).
Every 5 seconds the timer runs. It checks if the last song has ended (or it hasn't played a song at all). If so, it chooses a string in the array, starting from 0 and moving up until reaching the end of the array or defined songs.
Then it looks through the ControllerList and checks for PlayerControllers. For every PlayerController it sets the client's song to the specified string. (If the client doesn't have the song they won't hear anything, but that's ok.)
So right now this code is based on the ScriptedTrigger's action - Gameplay.ACTION_PlayMusic. The PlayMusic action does the exact same thing as my code does, looking through the ControllerList and setting the client's music for all PlayerControllers.
Let me know if you have any ideas on what I need to do to get this to function on a dedicated server.
Here is my current code.
This works very simply:
There's two arrays, one array of strings (song names), another array of ints (song durations).
Every 5 seconds the timer runs. It checks if the last song has ended (or it hasn't played a song at all). If so, it chooses a string in the array, starting from 0 and moving up until reaching the end of the array or defined songs.
Then it looks through the ControllerList and checks for PlayerControllers. For every PlayerController it sets the client's song to the specified string. (If the client doesn't have the song they won't hear anything, but that's ok.)
// Mutator_HolidayMusic - Plays specified songs for clients
class Mutator_HolidayMusic extends Mutator;
var(Action) Actor.EMusicTransition Transition;
var string MySongNames[32];
var int MySongTimes[32];
var int LastSongIndex;
var float LastSongStart;
event PreBeginPlay()
function Timer()
local Controller C;
local string TempString;
if (Level.TimeSeconds > LastSongStart + MySongTimes[LastSongIndex] || LastSongStart == 0)
if (LastSongIndex < 30) //That's 31 including 0. Array.Length - 1
LastSongIndex = 0;
if (MySongNames[LastSongIndex] == "")
TempString = MySongNames[0];
LastSongIndex = 0;
LastSongStart = Level.TimeSeconds + 1;
Level.Game.Broadcast(self, "*Now Playing: "$TempString$". If you don't hear this music, please check out SomeLink for the download!");
TempString = MySongNames[LastSongIndex];
LastSongStart = Level.TimeSeconds + 1;
Level.Game.Broadcast(self, "Now Playing: "$TempString$". If you don't hear this music, please check out SomeLink for the download!");
for ( C = Level.ControllerList; C != None; C = C.nextController )
if ( C.IsA('PlayerController') )
PlayerController(C).ClientSetMusic( TempString, Transition );
Friendlyname="Holiday Music"
Description="Change players' music to play through a list of special tunes that you configure!"
MySongNames(0)="UT3-18 Frozen Babylon"
MySongNames(1)="UT3-03 Tactical Agenda"
MySongNames(2)="UT3-04 ONS01 (UT3 Remix)"
MySongNames(3)="UT3-05 Mekalopolis"
MySongNames(4)="UT3-06 Skyward Fire (UT3 Remix)"
MySongNames(5)="UT3-08 Go Down (UT3 Remix)"
MySongNames(6)="UT3-10 Foregone Destruction (UT3 Remix)"
MySongNames(7)="UT3-15 Firestorm"
MySongNames(8)="UT3-14 Defector"
MySongNames(9)="UT3-09 Quantum Velocity"
So right now this code is based on the ScriptedTrigger's action - Gameplay.ACTION_PlayMusic. The PlayMusic action does the exact same thing as my code does, looking through the ControllerList and setting the client's music for all PlayerControllers.
Let me know if you have any ideas on what I need to do to get this to function on a dedicated server.