MultiTeamCTF scoring question

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God of Fudge
Sep 9, 2011
Palo Alto, CA
I normally play CTF4, but since I have both that and MultiTeamCTF I tend to play maps on both as there's some distinct differences.

Tend to play elimination-mode, which is different with them.
CTF4: Everytime you capture a flag, the team of the flag you captured loses a point. Lost as many points as the high score, your team is eliminated from the game.

MultiTeamCTF: Any team that reaches the high score is removed from the game.


2 teams left, Green Team gets the final high score... yet the Red Team wins?!?

Checked the rules' setup...

...can't find anything that explains this.

Is it because Red Team got the most points, even though they got less flag captures?