Multiple Weather Effects

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Other Half Not There
Jun 24, 2002
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I'm currently working on a JB map (might do in CTF) but anyway its called Hail-fire peaks. Basicly Blue team is on one side of the mountain which is covered in Ice..snow..water...etc. Red team is on the fire side of the mountain. Of course both sides of equal hazards. Lava...for red...Freezing water in blue just to make sure everything is even.

Anyway to the point. One side of the map is snowing, but i want the other side to have a sort of dust storm effect with (orange,brown,dark brown) ashes falling.
My question is is it possible to have 2 Xweathereffects or do I gotta modify the script. I'm asking now as I haven't tried to apply the effect yet. Also would it be possible for the weather to fall in a different direction.

ex. Instead of snow falling down to the south of the screen have it moving to the west or east. Make it seem more like a storm with wind blowing the snow. I would want to try that on the fire side becuz in my mind it wouldn't seem right to have ashes falling down like snow. Who knows, maybe I gotta try it first to judge if it looks right or not.
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Other Half Not There
Jun 24, 2002
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Ahh yes of course. I wasn't thinking. My first question is solved. For snow i would give that xweathereffect the tag Snow and add volumes on the fire side named snow to prevent it from snowing on that side. Next add another and give it the fire tag and place volumes with fire as tag on the ice side. I'm going to test this later to see if it actually works.


Other Half Not There
Jun 24, 2002
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Ok it does work. I did a quick cube to test and this how it worked. One said had snow and the other had ash. There is a castle like structure betwwen the 2 sides on the JB map but for testing I just did this. In between the snow side volume and the ash volume I added 2 volumes. One was larger and the other fitted inside that. The smaller got the higher priority. I gave 1 of those volumes NoSnow and the other NoAsh. Walla! Done. One side its snowing, the middle where a building is has nothing, the other side has ashes. Now all I gotta do is make a decent texture for the ashes since I quickly edited the snow texture in Paint to reddish,brown,and dark brown colors. :p Anyway my other question still remains.

Is it possible to change the direction the weather moves?


Aug 17, 1999
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Half_Lunatic said:
Ok it does work. I did a quick cube to test and this how it worked. One said had snow and the other had ash. There is a castle like structure betwwen the 2 sides on the JB map but for testing I just did this. In between the snow side volume and the ash volume I added 2 volumes. One was larger and the other fitted inside that. The smaller got the higher priority. I gave 1 of those volumes NoSnow and the other NoAsh. Walla! Done. One side its snowing, the middle where a building is has nothing, the other side has ashes. Now all I gotta do is make a decent texture for the ashes since I quickly edited the snow texture in Paint to reddish,brown,and dark brown colors. :p Anyway my other question still remains.

Is it possible to change the direction the weather moves?

lol - only Epic could dream up an actor like this. Tho' if I was a programmer, maybe it would make sense.

Well, i could take a guess on the direction question, again, since I never tried using the actor - assuming you cannot find any properties that allow you to input values for x, y, z direction for the particles, can you change it to 'directional' in the Advanced section of the property, and adjust rotation/direction that way? or, is there a way to make the zone or volume's gravitational direction affect the xWeatherEffect?


Other Half Not There
Jun 24, 2002
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Hmm I'll do some experimenting with that. I know how to do a gravitational pull in a direction but not sure how to prevent it from effecting the players. Not sure if it would effect the particles from the xweathereffect either.


New Member
Mar 1, 2003
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Ever consider just using an emitter? Then you could define the spawn box, the initial velocity and the acceleration.


Other Half Not There
Jun 24, 2002
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Only problem with the emitter is for the large span of land the weather is going to cover it will surely make the low end pcs run like crap :( . I've seen maps use an emitter instead of Xweathereffect and the lag I've noticed was huge. I'll probably just have fewer amounts of ashes spawn if I don't figure out how to move them in a different direction.