Most beautiful INF

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New Member
May 3, 2004
Ive messed around alot with the different settings to see how good i can make inf look. I use a pretty high end system and i want to know how to make everything look it's very best.

Provided im using opengl and Chris Dhonals drivers, what are the best ini settings to put everything at (and any other useful tweaks)? :biggrin2:



Less good UT Player ever
Aug 30, 2001
You can report the UT settings (from the UnrealTournament.ini) i wrote there to the Infiltration.ini

It is what i think to be the highest quality setting you can achieve with UT+the enhanced OpenGL.

Of course, making high quality setting in your videocard control pannel / (or using some good 3rd party tool like Riva Tuner) will help to get the whole thing even more beautifull.

But prepare to see your framerates halved , as you can already understand.
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We will not walk in fear.
Jan 15, 2004
Also be forewarned that it will still look pretty bad and run far worse. Nothing that can really be done about it, unfortunately; that's just UT for you, and about as good as things will ever get.