UE3 - UDK "ModfyProperty" variable arguments solution

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New Member
Aug 27, 2011
I can't figure out how to increment object property via Kismet. I'm using ModifyProperty function but it doesn't allow to input variable property value (calculated somewhere else). I can only set it constant in property array string.

Partitialy solved by compiling inheritor of SeqAct_ModifyProperty:
class SeqAct_ModifyPropertyValue extends SeqAct_ModifyProperty;

var string Value;

event Activated()

	ObjName="Modify Property Value"

But this code doesn't work for the first time it fires, but works somehow for the second... Please help me find a better solution.

Also, I wrote a script specially for changing Drawing Scale of actor:
class SeqAct_ModifyDrawScale extends SequenceAction;

var string Value;
var object Target;

event Activated()
	Actor(Target).SetDrawScale( float(Value) );

static event int GetObjClassVersion()
	return Super.GetObjClassVersion() + 1;

	ObjName="Modify DrawScale"
	ObjCategory="Object Property"

But the only problem is collisions. Works properly with projectiles and player, but behave like non-modified when collides with static meshes or other rigid body... I tried using SetPhysicalCollisionProperties, SetCollisionType, SetCollisionSize, SetZone, SetCollision, SetPhysics functions... and no result. I looked at collision box (via console: show COLLISIONS) and everything was fine.
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