The other day, while I was bored because the Inf boards' database was down as usual, I clicked on the link to the Infopop site, just to see what this OpenTopic thing was and how it was different from their UBB software. I figured it was probably some cut-rate free board hosting service they offered, considering how much downtime there has been with the INF boards (and all of the other OpenTopic boards, including their own tech support board /infopop/emoticons/icon_rolleyes.gif ) lately. I was quite astonished to see that it wasn't a free service after all, but a *paid* BBS hosting service, and the *cheapest* account was $25 a month, with the next levels being $80 and $300 respectively. Personally, I am appalled that a paid service would have so many problems for such a long time. I hope ModCentral is getting some of their money back for all this downtime...
At least I know who NOT to use to host any BBS services I might want to use in the future! Even the *free* EZBoard service doesn't have near this many problems (although even as I write this, I just found that EZBoard is either down or the campus DNS servers are screwed up again...personally, I'm betting on the DNS servers! /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif ).
Have the boards always been this bad, or is it just since I've started visiting regularly a month or so ago? /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif
DennyK AKA LordDeimos . . . .
At least I know who NOT to use to host any BBS services I might want to use in the future! Even the *free* EZBoard service doesn't have near this many problems (although even as I write this, I just found that EZBoard is either down or the campus DNS servers are screwed up again...personally, I'm betting on the DNS servers! /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif ).
Have the boards always been this bad, or is it just since I've started visiting regularly a month or so ago? /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif
DennyK AKA LordDeimos . . . .