Mod Ideas

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(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Dec 31, 2003
Edmonton, AB
I don't know if this is the right place, but I'll write this anyway. Although I am not a coder, skinner, or anything that has to do with modding, I do have some quite cool ideas for a mod or two (if I say so myself).
Hopefully, someone who reads this knows about one of the greatest PS2 games ever, Timesplitters 2. It's a shooter as well, except it doesn't have any blood or gibs involved when blowing stuff up.
Well, Timesplitters 2, which I'm going to call TS2, is a game with great versatility or great variation. With 126 character skins, put on at least 50 models, you can choose any character you think of. From a small monkey to a desert trooper to a robot with a fishbowl with a goldfish in it as a head, TS2 has it all. Undead, robots, mentally ill, maniac, human, alien, animal you can't imagine how much 126 characters are. But that's not the reason I am writing this.
Next to character variation this game has great variation in multiplayer. This is because there are over 40 weapons to choose from to use in the game, which I will mention later in this post. Also the amount of game modes in multiplayer is amazing.
First, the game modes.
Deathmatch (same as in UT2k3/4)
Team Deathmatch (same as in UT2k3/4)
Capture the bag (CTF with briefcase instead of flag)
BagTag (who can hold the bag the longest)
Elimination (last man standing)
Virus (tag variant in which 1 person starts as the 'virus', which is randomly selected. The virus is on fire that doesn't hurt him, but as a sign that he is the virus. He then tries to tag the other contestants. If he succeeds to tag one other, he will be on fire too, until there's only 1 left, that's the winner. The others can kill the virus to stay in the game)
FlameTag (same as virus except only 1 is tagger. if person tags another, the other is on fire but the first isn't anymore. The one with the lowest time as tagger wins)
Vampire (DM variant in which you need blood (frags) to stay alive because your life energy is slowly drained and will only be refilled by killing people. Dying is suicide)
Leech (DM variant in which the health of a person is leached through getting hit by enemy fire. The enemy who hits the person gets 50 % of the health he hits the enemy for)
Gladiator (DM variant in which every one starts out normal, but he who draws first blood becomes the 'gladiator', the only person capable of getting frags added to his count by killing. The one who kills the gladiator becomes the gladiator. If you turn gladiator you always start out with maximum health and maximum armor)
Shrink (DM variant in which the contestant's ranking can be seen in their size. The worst player is the hardest to hit too, as the best player is the easiest target)
Assault (same as in UT2k3/4)
Monkey Assistant (DM variant in which the worst player gets assistance every 30 seconds of 4 monkeys that are equipped with homing rocket launchers. Every frag the monkeys make is added to the total of the worst player, fragging the monkeys doesn't score you points, but you'll be rid of them a while)
Zones (Double Domination variant in which there are some strategic points in each level. Each of these points can be controlled by walking over them. Securing such a point for 5 seconds gives you 10 points, there are often 3 or more points to be secured in a level. The team that reaches a certain amount of points wins)

These game modi are very fun to play and Virus can be very strategic, for instance if you're the virus and tose pesky non-viruses keep camping in a safe spot preventing you from coming in you can just blow them up and catch them while they are running around in their next life.
Now the weapons. I know this post is getting long but it's a good post mind you if someone could make a kick-ass mod out of this idea :p
NOTE: Weapons with also x2 behind it means that this weapon (much like UT's enforcer, can be carried 2 at a time, this is an other weapon, so luger pistol is 2 weapons, single pistol and double pistols.
Luger pistol (also x2, just an ordinary handgun)
Silenced pistol (also x2, pistol with silencer)
Garrett revolver (also x2, wild west revolver)
Soviet (also x2, kind of AK 47, primary fire is machinegun, secondary is grenade, a bit bouncy like assault rifle's grenade in UT2003)
Sniper Rifle (the name implies right?)
Vintage Rifle (sort of sniper but with more maffia look)
Shotgun (also x2, double barreled shotgun that can fire 2 shots before reload)
Tactical 12-gauge (sort of Spaz, shotgun that can fire 8 consecutive shots before reloading, can fire 2 shots at once)
Flamethrower (you know it)
Timed mine (mine that explodes 5 seconds after you throw it, sticks on anything)
Remote mine (throw it and blow it with alternate fire, can carpet the place before doing so, sticks on anything)
Proximity mine (detonates on player proximity, sticks on anything)
TNT (like timed mine but with twice the explosion, sticks on anything)
Brick (good old brick to throw)
SBP-Machinegun (also x2, craziest machinegun to date, futuristic and shoots that 64 bullet magazines empty like raindrops come out of clouds during a heavy rainstorm, has zoom function)
Rocket Launcher (rocket launcher, 1 rocket with primary fire, 3 with secondary fire if you have enough left :p)
Grenade Launcher (grenade launcher, fires a bunch of grenades that bounce a bit with primary fire and one big flaming ball that creates a little puddle of fire and that sets players on fire with secondary fire)
Homing Rocket Launcher (same as rocket launcher, but with the ability to lock a missile onto a player then see it follow the bastard, even returns after it was dodged a few times, can fire 3 at a time also with secondary fire)
Fire extuingisher (well, extinguishes your teammates when they're on fire)
Sci-Fi handgun (handgun that fires small bursts of plasma, that bounce off walls a few times when they don't hit anything)
Plasma Auto-Rifle (sort of sub machine gun that fires plasma bursts little bigger than the sci-fi handgun does. Can overheat with the first function, secondary is a plasma grenade that sticks to anything, even opponents, it's detonates after 3 seconds)
Lasergun (gun that can charge up an energy beam, the longer you charge, the stronger the beam, immediate fire shoots moving beam, charged fire means instant hit. Secondary fire is kind of a shield gun shield that slowly drains energy)
Minigun (you know it, large and very powerful, this weapon must pre-spin before firing with primary fire, but you can put pre-spin on automatically with secondary fire which heats up the weapon a bit. The weapon can overheat, which severely slows down the firing rate like cut into 1/16 or something)

I might have forgotten some of the weapons or even a game mode, but the ones I did write down can give enough material to make a real big weaponsmod or a game mode mutator or two. So if you have any interest in SERIOUSLY making a mutator or mod with TS2 weapons or game modes NO CRAPPY ONES!!!!! without earning anything but respect (I'm not rich you know :p), please contact me at [email protected], or post a reply on this forum
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(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Dec 31, 2003
Edmonton, AB
I hope you like it

Well, FireSlash, I hope you like the re-ordening of the HUGE post, because it f*cking took me 15 minutes to rearrange the f*cking message, so read it and stop that f*cking whining about you not reading the f*cking message because you're too f*cking lazy to read it anyway :p:p:p
And get a nicer avatar, can't even see what yours is supposed to be :p


Staff member
Jun 4, 2001
Uhh... :con:
Just to prevent further misunderstandings: This forum is for people who search for other people to start/extend a mod team for an existing mod.
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(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Dec 31, 2003
Edmonton, AB
[SAS]Solid Snake said:
Take it easy there...
Yeah yeah yeah, do you know how long it took me to write the damn thing? And then the guy asks 5 minutes after I posted it if I wanted to change it otherwise he wouldn't read it. That takes time, something I don't have that much :p, but to the point, would you do something with it?


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Dec 31, 2003
Edmonton, AB
Wormbo said:
Uhh... :con:
Just to prevent further misunderstandings: This forum is for people who search for other people to start/extend a mod team for an existing mod.
What can I say, I'm no modder, like I already said, and I hoped I would find someone to start a team to mod this stuff, so I use this forum, because modders will look HERE on this forum, hope you don't mind it that much


UA Coder
Oct 6, 2002
Everywhere and Nowhere
Visit site
Well, FireSlash, I hope you like the re-ordening of the HUGE post, because it f*cking took me 15 minutes to rearrange the f*cking message, so read it and stop that f*cking whining about you not reading the f*cking message because you're too f*cking lazy to read it anyway :p:p:p
And get a nicer avatar, can't even see what yours is supposed to be :p

Um, ya. I'd say there goes your credibility completely. No-one want's to join a team, or take an idea from someone completely unable to take some constructive criticism, and I love how you proceeded to "stick your tongue out at us" by coloring the parts of your post you changed.

So, I hope you clean your act up and try to act somewhat mature. If you want to make the mod, become the leader and recruit. You don't have to have any modding skills, but it does help.

Best way to recruit - start the mod yourself so you have something to show.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Dec 31, 2003
Edmonton, AB
Okay, so that wasn't very mature of me to do, but how would you react if you just posted something this big and immediatly someone goes like, uhhh... if you don't chage it, I won't read it.
This question is for Wormbo: How do you suggest to get any further then?
This question is for the other guy who said I wasn't mature: Could you please be a bit clearer on how it's sticking my tongue out by coloring the important parts of my post? I really don't get that, because I thought it would things much clearer, it wasn't to offend or pester anyone you know? (I'm not evil :( )
Anyways can someone direct me how to do things if I want to get this thing off the ground? I don't have any money or anything to pay anyone, it's just something to build in free time.
Hopefully I won't be persecuted of being immature this time, I really mean to get something useful out of this.


Staff member
Jun 4, 2001
souldividersjosz said:
This question is for Wormbo: How do you suggest to get any further then?
Do the same thing as (almost) everyone else who started a thread here: Learn UnrealScript, modelling and/or mapping and start working on what you want to recruit for. Once you have created something others can have a look at you can come back and try recruiting again.


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
Wormbo said:
Do the same thing as (almost) everyone else who started a thread here: Learn UnrealScript, modelling and/or mapping and start working on what you want to recruit for. Once you have created something others can have a look at you can come back and try recruiting again.

Just to add my $.02, this is pretty much the only way to get a mod off the ground.


Master of Dagoth Lies
Feb 2, 2000
Chicago, IL
And even that fails half the time.

There are more appropriate forums for this. WoD and ModSquad both have forums for mod requests. Just don't expect much. UnrealScript coders usually have a pretty decent idea of what they want to do and with the exception of some mutators rarely take requests.
I noticed that one of your interests is drawing. Why don't you start working on concept art or something. Also, a lot of those gametypes seem like small variations of one thing and would probably work better if you combined some that are similar or just "cut the fat" and shorten the list a little; lose the ones that are similar to things already in existence, like assault, leech or CTB. I would rather play something that is different and unique instead of something that is simply a small twist, if even that, on a current gametype. The MonkeyAssistant would be a fun mutator in my opinion. Who wouldn't want to have monkeys running around? I can actually name a few, but that's for another day.

I've seen this many places, including the Unreal wiki. You really should just start small. Also, I know how much of a pain in the ass it is to search through a ton of weapons to pick one I like and work well with, and it's a good bet that's what everyone else is using too. Most of those weapons will go unused. A lot of them do the same thing, the list needs to be trimmed just like the gametypes. A large list of weapons isn't really a selling point. I know your goal seems to be to create TS2 on the Unreal engine but instead of just porting TS2 over, expand on it, mold it to the Unreal engine and use what the engine has to offer. Make something inspired by TS2, not TS2 for UT.

Sounds like there are a lot of ideas there, some that are pretty good. Refine them a little more and be more polite when people criticize you. Then you may see them get off the ground.

The coloring just made it harder to read. If you're so interested in getting people to do something with this then you should make it as easy as possible for them to understand what you want, don't bitch to them about how they are making things hard for you, that's just a turn off.
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(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Dec 31, 2003
Edmonton, AB
Yes indeed the Monkey Assistent mode in TS2 would be the most original to make a UT2003 / UT2004 mutator for. I just started learning the Unreal scripting thing, so before I get something up and running UT2005 will be out probably ;)
Anyways, cutting down the huge list of weapons is a task that is going to give some problems. As vandor said, some of these weapons are bound to not be used at all, or only by a select group of people. Further, I like most of them equally in TS2, so removing some of them is kinda hard to do. A friend of mine has already started to make a static mesh of one of these weapons, since he owns TS2 as well he loves the idea. He's only making this static mesh with Maya, without the skin, because we just don't have the capability to make skins, alhough there's - without a doubt - a tutorial for that as well.
As for the different colours in one of my posts prior to this one, it really made sense to me, since the difference in colour does draw attention to some parts of the post. Oh well, guess I'll just have to change that for you guys, it's no prob for that matter, it just seemed logical.
I'll try and keep you posted on my progression as a scripter :D