I'm searching for a missing PhysX map.
In both Ageia and NVidia PhysX bonus packs there is a file called PhysX.int, with the following contents:
Now, the Ageia pack contains the first two maps, Tornado and Lighthouse. NVidia pack, released some time later, adds Heat Ray into the bunch. Now WhereTF is Judgement? Anyone knows something about this map?
I'm searching for a missing PhysX map.
In both Ageia and NVidia PhysX bonus packs there is a file called PhysX.int, with the following contents:
TornadoDesc=Automated farms dot the rich crescent of Taryd's Western Expanse. Energy fields and high-density steel protect the farms from looters, but not from the monstrous tornadoes stalking the countryside. These twisters respect no bounds, their hunger knows no end. Your best bet? Pray.
TornadoName=Tornado PhysX
TornadoNumPlayers=4 to 8 players
LighthouseDesc=The seas on Omicron are among the most dangerous known to Man. The lighthouses built to mark safe harbor really only warn of bone-shredding gales and towering waves. This one, abandoned after The Great Awakening, still offers its eternalamp's glow as testament to ancient dreams.
LighthouseName=Lighthouse PhysX
LighthouseNumPlayers=8 to 10 players
HeatrayPhysXDesc=Do you like snowcones? Well you're about to become one. It's nasty weather out there. You're cold, and you're miserable, and you might even be getting sick. Sick of the brain-freeze brought down on your aching head by that damn gravity-wave-riding hail. Time to turn on the heat!
HeatrayPhysXName=Heat Ray PhysX
HeatrayPhysXNumPlayers=4 to 8 players
JudgementPhysXDesc=The Acidus desert was once the home of a forgotten race. They dug deep caves to extract resources and energy. After The Great Awakening, rebels used them as hidden bases where they could assemble in secrecy their most potent weapons and vehicles.
JudgementPhysXName=Judgement PhysX
JudgementPhysXNumPlayers=8 to 12 players
Now, the Ageia pack contains the first two maps, Tornado and Lighthouse. NVidia pack, released some time later, adds Heat Ray into the bunch. Now WhereTF is Judgement? Anyone knows something about this map?