Minotaur and "NewQuadshot" Scrapped meshes release

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I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006
Since UPSX rework episode 1 part 1 will FINALLY be released probably within few weeks(hopefuly), I am releasing the meshes by MasterUnreal that in the current form I will not be using. He provided the obj files some time ago after leaving Unreal and since then we've been struggling to convert those, alcapowned helped for the most part with this in the end after the efforts of others have failed, including my own experiment. The modelling stuff these days is a mess of extreme proportions with stuff not being backwards compatible. For the quadshot I am using the original mesh with the cut animations right now, even though I planned to use the new one with the automag hand by MU instead, however the mesh has several problems including lightmap bugs, same with the minotaur. I simply decided against using those versions. Instead with the minotaur we used the old mesh that MU made, without working behead anim but the lightmaps were fine, except for few screwed up UV maps which ALCapowned already fixed, so....
everything is dealt with basically. But because I won't be using those mesh versions I decide to release them for others to use if they want to use them, also included are the .obj original files, so if you want to go through the horrors of converting/fixing yourself you're welcome. We have not managed to fix the lightmaps bugs, whether there is an option for that in 3dsmax to fix it or not, is unknown to us, but it's way over our head and nobody else seemed to help/answer. So here is the stuff, released to public "as is". Note that those meshes were not originally made for UPSX only, but we agreed with MU to have it there since he was making the stuff, that was around december 2011.



May 27, 2005
I need to have the original .u file where those meshes were from so I can try and export them myself.

I was messing around fixing 1 frame to check out the Minotaur and I noticed that the UVmaps were pretty messed up and the model wasn't even merged properly. The smoothing groups seemed off when I imported it from the .3d file and some polies weren't shaded right either.

The ones from the obj files seemed merged properly but some polies looked like they were flat specially on top of its mouth and below its feet. The UVmaps in those are completely messed up, some vertexes go outside the texture boundaries which make the model look stretchy in some areas once converted to .3d file.

I got to fixing 1 frame properly and it came out perfect except that I didn't fix the UVmapping which I'll have to do it frame by frame to get whole model fixed. If whoever mapped that model would fix it and send the .3d file I could easily fix the whole thing for sharing.

Also, I'm looking for the original Dragon mesh with its animations, even if its all screwed up like that minotaur one. I want to fix it myself and place them all into a single package to use in MH. I tried some messed up one that was released a while ago but it looked weird and I don't think I can use that one.


I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006
Well it seems to depend on how you open them, but the shading is the lightmaps I am refering to basically. It was off and broken even though we got the uv maps right. I am using older versions of the mesh which Alcapowned fixed now, the uv maps on its back and head were messed up, but the "shading" was fine in there, however the decapitation anim didn't have the head shrunk like it does in this version, but I am happy with it the way it's now at least, the full package containing the old-but fixed now mesh will be released in the upsx rework "demo". The guy who made the minotaur anims and the skins (based on some daikatana skins actually, same with the sounds we decided to use, was my idea to use that because I knew of no other game which would have fitting sounds/skins), the mesh is still the original one that was left in the mesh editing tools by Epic, but it has been reanimated and with new skin because there was none originally and no anims with it. He was probably meant to be looking more alien in appea
rance but still. I mean the help file for Unreal which was included in the 95 tech demo mentions a "deformed alien minotaur" creature.
As for Dragon, MU didn't make additional anims for the original mesh(unfortunately, despite that being one of the things he wanted to do) which it could really use some, there were only flight/take off/land anims in the original dragon mesh and nothing else. We do have the models though and they've been floating around for some time, even alcapowned exported them from the may 97 demo a while ago.

Btw there is no original .u file, those obj files are the original working ones by MU. And the old mesh was provided to me separately too I believe but I did compile it, both versions, so if you want this exact version compiled I can give that to you but you should rename the filename if you want to use it because i use the same name for the final version of the paclage which uses the newly fixed old mesh by alcapowned.
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Oct 6, 2012

He is so pretty


May 27, 2005
I'm down to fixing all those new meshes if you guys want to send them. The reason why I want to help out is because I see that some people release them in MH maps and most of them look bad or their script give a ton of script warnings to a point that the servers crash like on that Dragon package.

My idea is to pack all those unreal demo meshes into a single file in order to make them playable in a couple of maps I want to make, including the weapons. I believe that we need to see new content in the game to attract more players this way.

and btw, I have been able to export all of UT's .3d meshes to perfection including the ones from custom mods like the TWT_Zombies, the original Mac10 weapon mesh, and many more using unreal227h mesh export. I was also able to export meshes from other games like X-Com Enforcer, Tactical Ops, or any other game that run with the Unreal Engine 1. Heck, I think I can even convert the DeusX meshes into 8 bit as well with the help of a program that a friend of mine made for me to edit .3d files some years ago.

If anyone with scripting experience wants to team up with me and continue working on the X-Com Enforcer monsters for UT please let me know. I already have all the monsters playable and probably around 80% done at least, but they need some more script tweaking to be compatible with UT. I'm also thinking of re-sizing all the meshes a few times bigger to fit them with the same scale as the Unreal meshes because they were made very small and they deform a lot while animating when the vertexes jump from one grid to another. I'm pretty sure you guys would like to see those monsters in Unreal as well.
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I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006
Wizard was planned to make appearance after gargoyle was deemed to be too difficult to remade the skin from scratch based on one screenshot, but nothing really came out of both.
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