Mine, Catalyst, RaekwoN, DarkArise's hit list!

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New Member
Dec 4, 1999
we were up in the INF RIC channel till 5;45 am [est] and ehre is what we did /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

1. Pauly Shore
2. Richard Gere
3. Glenn Close
4. Richard Simmons
5. Mary Hart (if I can ever find her)
6. Jay Leno
7. The Queen (talk to Rae)
8. Dick Clark (god damn him and his bloopers)
9. Marv albert
10. Bob Saget
11. Entire Full House Cast
12. William Shatner for his checkout.com ads
13. Patrick Stewart
14. The Entire Star Trek Cast
15. Kevin Costner (The Postman, Tin Cup, etc...)16. Every Known Trekkie
17. Dom Deloise
18. The Baldwins (excpet for Alec, one in the knee should do it)
19. The guy who played Upham in Saving Private Ryan
20. Will Smith (oh yeah, he HAS to go)


Day of Defeat Beta Tester


de oppresso liber
Mar 2, 2000
Tucson, AZ, US
If you kill Pauly Shore or Jay Leno, I'll bring y'all down in a hail of... lets say... .50 BMG rounds... they are both funny as hell... well, Leno just kinda points out funny stuff other people do (the jaywalking and weird newspaper cut-outs), and Pauly shore just kinda has an "out of it"/stoned amusing overtone, but I have laughed my ass off watching stuff they were in. And Will Smith used to be just plain annoying (80's rap and early Fresh Prince episodes), but then he got cool (yea, Wild Wild West sucked but that's the only exception). Oh and a couple of the Baldwins are cool, the 2 that are in the A-/B+ action movies.

Oh, but if your planning on taking down "Upham" (if he was a real person), or the Full House cast, you can borrow the M2.

*imagines sickening beginning sequence of full house where they stand outside in the grass with the picknick stuff*


*watches them all fall to the mighty M2*


*nails the other olson twin in the back, who wasn't in the set*

Shot four puppet governors in a line,
Shook all tha world bankers, who think they can rhyme,
Shot the landlords, who knew it was mine,
Yes, its a war from the depth of time!


Commander in Chief o' the BMA
Mar 17, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario
I thought Upham was a great character in Saving Private Ryan.

The whole time, he's a green soldier, just a translator and cartographer, he's against breaking any of the rules. He gets sick at the idea of combat. And at the end, when he sees the nazi soldier he helped set free, fighting again for the nazis, he caps him without hesitation.

And then in a great scene of imagery, we see the world around him, cloaked in a white halo. And he's not. He's lost his innocence now, he's spilled blood. There is nothing pure about him.

Another funky radical bombtrack started as a sketch in my notebook


de oppresso liber
Mar 2, 2000
Tucson, AZ, US
Yea, but that scene where the Nazis passed him without seeing him and went upstairs, and killed the rangers in the machine gun position just really pissed me off (for those who haven't seen it it wasn't nearly as quick as you read it, he had plenty of time to sneak upstairs behind them and take the last 2 out with his Garand, saving all of them, but he just slowly staggered up the stairs and sat down half way up and waited for them to die.

Shot four puppet governors in a line,
Shook all tha world bankers, who think they can rhyme,
Shot the landlords, who knew it was mine,
Yes, its a war from the depth of time!