Military/special forces

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Nov 4, 2000
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Hey, this is about if your going to or are in the military/special forces.

Now I'll talk about myself. I currently live in Canada and I'm going to finish High School to join the French military and probably become a French commando. (Really hard if you don't want to do it but only hard if you do want to do it) My step-dad was one and I really want to become one because I'm looking for adventure in my job. This is possible because i have double citizenship (you guys may or may not have this). Anyway if you are really interested in this kind of field go and go to the forums and talk to the retired and active special operations units and soldiers. Be aware they cannot talk about everything because of OPSEC (Operational Security). Understand these kinds of jobs are not glorious and when you go into the field people die and they die fast. I'm known as Lt.Cabeza over there and used to be known as Asskicker. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif