Medical help, healing, etc

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White Rabbit

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Mar 19, 2000
Winnipeg Manitoba Canada
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Finding big square "medpacks" lying around isn't quite realistic, so I thought of a replacement.

Just like weapons and ammunition, players would enter the game with a set ammount of portable healing pouch thingies, the number determined by the server admin. Players could also buy more of these healing pouch thingies, the overall number also determined by the admin.

The health packs would work in two ways, once activated your weapon disappears and you hold the med pack. Primary fire uses it on yourself, healing X number of HPs. Secondary fire applies it to someone else, but like the Impact Hammer, you have to touch them for it to activate. This would work when people can't heal themselves, or have run out of health packs.

I know that people can slowly bleed to death in INF future versions, so I was thinking of three possibilities for the health packs, in this respect. The first, is that someone is dying, and they use a health pack, and gain enough HPs to stop dying. The second, is that they can't use it on themselves due to the severity of the wounds, and must call for backup. The third, is that because they're leaking internal organs, even Winnie-the-Pooh bandaids won't save them, and health packs would be useless.


Infiltration Project Coordinator
Nov 24, 1999
Portland, OR
You do have some good ideas here, although healthpacks won't be so complex that they become too frustrating. Also, healthpacks will go hand in hand with the loadout system, so you still have to watch your weight value and cost, etc. Server settings won't have any effect on this part. Applying bandages will only stop bleeding/loosing health. You won't be able to gain health. I do like the idea of being able to apply bandages to team members simply by touching them and selecting your bandage kit. In the military, EVERYone has to learn 'buddy care' or the basics to bandaging up wounds, so no medic class is needed anyway. Each soldier has that training already. I don't know if I feel up to doing a set of animations for a bandage kit with first person. It might have to be one of those simulated things- maybe your weapon simply disappears from view until the bandage is applied. In the future, whether it be for 3.0 or after, we may get more complex with this, especially if skeletal animation allows us to make the third person view show somewhat applying bandages or something similiar.

Project Coordinator
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Commander in Chief o' the BMA
Mar 17, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario
Hey Warren, what about combat drugs? Plenty of soldiers in Nam were given light heroin (its still a distributed substance on anything deemed a suicide mission) or cocaine. Both of those temporarily enhance your constitution (or at least your sense of it) and would help you "gain" health, figuratively speaking.

Of course, if you do to much, you get a heart attack (well, not with the light heroin [that's heroin that's heavily dosed with milk weed, btw, and meant to be snorted or disolved on the tongue, not injected])

Better warfare through chemicals, I say.

I know it sounds like a blatant promotion of drugs, but isn't this just a blatant promotion of warfare?
hehe, i was just about to suggest morphine, but it looks like ya beat me to it...
oh yeah, and i was thinking that it shouldn't give you health or anything like that, but provide temporary limp relief :)


[This message has been edited by -Lost- (edited 04-06-2000).]


Jan 28, 2000
Klagenfurt, Carinthia, Austria
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I don't like the drug idea - think it would bring the wrong impression to other people, like INF suggesting little kids to take drungs and such BS..
Morphine would be alright, though it had no real sense, since it doesn't improve your health but only kill your pains.

Snakeye /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

anything you do can get you killed, including doing nothing


New Member
Jan 14, 2000
nope nope nope
I dont see how any of the drugs would help at all. If u were given morphine ud be lucky if u were even awake. Then be able to get up and walk without a limp.
Basically if u get shot bandage it and go who needs morphine only the weak.


Commander in Chief o' the BMA
Mar 17, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario
When I had my appendix cut out I was up and walking around with morphine in me. It wasn't fun, it was trippy, but there you have it. As for the wrong impression, morphine and heroin are both opiates (in fact they're directly related) and I'd rather teach kids to shoot up than shoot each other up.

Mr. T

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Feb 20, 2000
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So now we're going to teach kids that it's cool to shoot yourself up with heroin and then go out and kill a bunch of people, because that way you won't feel anything. I don't know about this.


Infiltration Project Coordinator
Nov 24, 1999
Portland, OR
lol- okay, no- you won't be shooting anything up. We can't accurately depict real injuries like the kind you'd need morphine for, so we won't accurately depict the treatment of real injuries like that. We have to sacrifice some things- after all, in Inf we bypass most of the deploying, setting up, coordinating, supplying, searching, walking and driving to get to the actual battle- we plop you right down in the middle of the action like a paintball game. Stopping your or other's bleeding will fairly simple and straight forward. I'm sure if we're still making Inf type games in 10 years, your VR suit and headset will allow much more complex damage and healing processes.. =P

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