Me happy! Me got rid of "bug"

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Absens haeres non erit (Soccerdad)
Sep 19, 1999
Well, sort of "bug".
Not nice to call "another mod" a "bug" and I suppose it really is not a "bug".
Anyway, I DL:d it, had to try it once just to see what it was like. Turned out I didn't like it one bit, well maybe some bits here and there /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif
Then I began to see horrorstories on the net about how UNinstalling this mod wreaked havoc with their UT! MAJOR scare for a while, hehe and I decided to wait a while before losing that "bug".
Turned out to be a big anti-climax as I just went to settings-controlpanel-add/remove programs and clicked on remove.
Haven't suffered any ill effects yet /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif Knock on wood...

Then I DL:d the "Other bug" that is "competing" with Inf and got pleasantly surprised as it took more than 10 seconds to die. Also there are some BADASS HUGE mofos of maps in that beta... I ran for the duration of a 10 minute round and got one kill!!! Didn't meet anyone or anything else during that round. Will play with a million bots next time instead of just 16 :/
I can really recommend that mod.

For the grand finale of this post I'll just inform y'all that I'm with y'all waiting for the release of Inf 2.8!


(P.S If it wasn't blatantly obvious; I was talking about SF and SWAT in that order.)

The Old Lie;
Dulce et decorum est Pro patria mori