Max Modelling/Skinning Tuts (basic) needed

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Just Another User
Mar 4, 2006
Australialand =]
ok i'm trying to model things in max and there's a whole lot of tuts out there on

how to do models...

the only thing is they show you how to make a model...

and that's it =\

I need to learn some basis of modelling (box modelling, etc) so i can create my own models...

if someone could post some tuts on BASIC box modelling, etc and skinning
i would be very grateful =]
Use the tutorials that comes with every version of 3dmax. Or get the book inside 3dmax x version. They can show you how to model in box modelling. The famous chubby character. If after modeling you want to rig some models or put skeletons in them simply start with simple things like making it to a cylinder and then going up with more sophisticated models until you grab the mechanic of it. Go from simple to hard.


New Member
Apr 13, 2004
http:/ , register for free and goto video training on the front page , it will bring you to an onslaught of program tutorials for like 15 different apps , including max and unreal ed .