Matrix Fans...ur help needed

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New Member
Apr 15, 2004

To any Matrix fans out there, and to any else reading this post:

Ive recently put one of my first maps online called DM-TheConstruct. Im working on a sequel called DM-TheConstructRebooted which will be more accurate to the Matrix trilogy and contain several more scenes.

As Im really new to creating maps I would appreciate any Matrix fans, or otherwise, either downloading my level and giving me feedback; or letting me know what they'd like to see in a Matrix based level so that I can improve the sequel as much as possible.

Id really appreciate anyones help as I wanna get it right.
Many thanks, G.


New Member
Apr 26, 2004
Looks like you've found a big Matrix fan :)

I'm tight for time right now, so I can't test the map. However, I can tell you what I want in the map, being a right Matrix nerd myself.

First off, I suggest shortening the name to Construct-Rebooted. It just sounds snappier. Good name though.

Second, think of the scenes of the film that would make good arenas for fighting in. You'll more than likely need some space and some z-axis. I can think of a couple of scenes: the first one that hits me is the chateau staircases. Playing around the chateau's outer castle walls would be good too: a nice outdoor bit in the mountains with fairly narrow ledges (kinda like DM-Peak, but make sure it isn't lame!).

A couple of scenes from the original hit the mind for being classics: the hall of pillars and the kung fu training room. Neither have any z-axis, however you could implement some by adding upper ledges behind the pillars in the kung-fu room, and adding the lift and the rooftops to the hall of pillars.

Obviously, having all these seperate scenes isn't going to create any unity in the theming of the map. I suggest having teleporters linking several, seperate arenas.

Good luck, let me know how it goes.