I have just re-released AS-Ashes and repaired the problem with the creatures and Nali not appearing...I know I should have done this over a year ago, when the last UT upgrade destroyed the playability of this map, but I was disgusted with the back-compatability issue...After all, since when does "always relevant" not include "game relevant"?...to those unfamiliar with the word "always", get a fargin' dictionary....
I have also re-released CTF-Krakatonia, with a more extensive readme file and a repaired HOM that my playtesters didn't catch...I tried to use the readme generator from Nalicity again, but could not find the final product where it said it loaded it...Look, just post a template, OK?
...Sorry for the inconvieniance, look for my new assault map AS-CastleArrrggghhh! in which I attempt an outdoor forest section, as well as the usual castle, weird looking teleports, some scantily clad saturday morning cartoon characters...etc.
I have also re-released CTF-Krakatonia, with a more extensive readme file and a repaired HOM that my playtesters didn't catch...I tried to use the readme generator from Nalicity again, but could not find the final product where it said it loaded it...Look, just post a template, OK?
...Sorry for the inconvieniance, look for my new assault map AS-CastleArrrggghhh! in which I attempt an outdoor forest section, as well as the usual castle, weird looking teleports, some scantily clad saturday morning cartoon characters...etc.