CTF-BecquerelSE (UT) Insite 6.5/10
CTF-UT-Well (UT) Insite 6/10
CTF-StadiumHS (UT) Insite 6/10
DM-AChina (UT2003) Insite 6.5/10
DM-Breathe (UT2003) Unreal Playground 74/100
DM-UndyingShadows (UT2003) Unreal Playground 70/100
CTF-FtKearney (UT) Unreal Playground 81/100
DM-DeltaStation (UT2003) Unreal Playground 66/100
DM-Peak2003[FuT] (UT2003) FasterFiles 9.4/10
BR-Caverns of Legacy (UT2003) NaliCity 8/10
CTF-DarkAges (UT) NaliCity 7/10
CTF-Revenge_v1-2 (UT) NaliCity 8/10
CTF-UT-Well (UT) Insite 6/10
CTF-StadiumHS (UT) Insite 6/10
DM-AChina (UT2003) Insite 6.5/10
DM-Breathe (UT2003) Unreal Playground 74/100
DM-UndyingShadows (UT2003) Unreal Playground 70/100
CTF-FtKearney (UT) Unreal Playground 81/100
DM-DeltaStation (UT2003) Unreal Playground 66/100
DM-Peak2003[FuT] (UT2003) FasterFiles 9.4/10
BR-Caverns of Legacy (UT2003) NaliCity 8/10
CTF-DarkAges (UT) NaliCity 7/10
CTF-Revenge_v1-2 (UT) NaliCity 8/10