Map of Tigerhunt

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Eternally noob
Dec 4, 2003
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After having been lost in Tigerhunt for I don't know how many times i finally managed to do a map of the map. It includes coordinates for use with report direction, so you have a chance to find out roughly in what part of the map your teammate is when he is shouting for help, if he has included rd coordinates in his message. I plan to do more maps based on the jgkdo rotation, but it might take a while.



  • tigerhunt.jpg
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Koohii o nomimasu ka?
nice but you should change the coordinates system (even though UT uses those).

It rather confusing... have something like letter on one side and numbers on the other. So we can refer to a sector vocally (like on TS)... So you could side "Sniper hill corner of C3 and D4".

Maybe have both reference systems on it (having mutliple reference system is quite common for opperational maps).


Eternally noob
Dec 4, 2003
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It is a combination of several screenshots from UED. In order to get elevation I made a black brush that i raised gradually, took a new ss and so forth. Then I combined in photoshop, lightened and made the grid. A screenshot from really high altitude (ghost + fov 15) gives fair results for maps with little elevation, as you can ignore it. But in Tigerhunt where movement is more or less dictated by staying low, and snipers creep to hills with cover, elevation lines are essential.

A letter-number system sounds like a good idea. It could be used to designate the sectors instead of the gridlines.



Tracer Bullet
Jul 29, 2002
Toronto, Ontario
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-Freshmeat said:
It is a combination of several screenshots from UED. In order to get elevation I made a black brush that i raised gradually, took a new ss and so forth. Then I combined in photoshop, lightened and made the grid. A screenshot from really high altitude (ghost + fov 15) gives fair results for maps with little elevation, as you can ignore it. But in Tigerhunt where movement is more or less dictated by staying low, and snipers creep to hills with cover, elevation lines are essential.

A letter-number system sounds like a good idea. It could be used to designate the sectors instead of the gridlines.

Thats what RTK has. With the current system, you can hear a teammate report "Contact, south!", and see that they are in the northeast corner, and know that their target must be in the east or southeast corner.

With the lettering system, you just wouldn't know where the hell they were unless you had a map or you had memorized the letters.


In my own world
Aug 12, 2003
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Here is an other idea,
The Grid should not be just marked with numbers, there should besome indication where the lines are, to add to the realism
  • in the case of this map the numbers on the right should be marked with a north,
  • the numbers on top should be marked with a west.
  • hower these will be more like seconds on a world map