Map more messed up than me.

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Cute and Cuddly
Aug 2, 2000
Salt Lake City UT
I already mentioned something about it in this forum before but it's still screwed up. The biggest problem I have right now is that you walk or fall through the windows. I've tried and tried and done the stuff you told me to do but it still wont work. I need someone to d/l it and try to fix it for me. I also need some ideas on how to make the level feel less empty and add detail.

The latest version of the map is attached to this thread.


Soul on Ice
Apr 24, 2000
alright, well you seem to have misinterpreted what they had said, what you need to do is not use 3d brushes for the glass itself, have a small solid rectangle underneath or behind the glass which is on a 2d brush(sheet) and set the 3d brushs surface properties to invisible, this is what you need to do to get the desired effect

You had many bsp errors and ridiculus node counts which were cause by using 3d brushes as non solids
it also raised node counts in your level, you should also learn to use semi solid brushes they also help reduce node counts because honestly, i shouldn't be able to half the node count in a level. Oh and don't overlap brushes, this is a big no no, increases chances for bsp errors later on and increases node counts. You seem to be pretty good for what i'm seeing but your technique with brushes and level structure needs to be improved. i'll post the fixed version in a lil bit when i'm done hackin it apart :eek:P


Cute and Cuddly
Aug 2, 2000
Salt Lake City UT
I don't remember using non-solid brushes I usually stick to solid ones. I tried using a semi-solid but it didn't do what I was told it would and I didn't understand what it was. You should take some pictures of what I did wrong and then tell me what I should have done.

Thanks for the help on windows from what I understood I was supposed to make the solid cube and then put the semi solid brush behind it. In fact I still don't understand why just a normal solid brush doesn't work is it because you can't have a transparent solid or something?


Lover of Earwigs
Dec 4, 1999
Reno, NV
Here is how to fix it. DON'T use a 2d sheet for a collision hull, only a 3d sheet can be a collision hull. The window has to be 2d though.


Soul on Ice
Apr 24, 2000
well i would take pictures and such but i think it would be better if you look over the two levels and see what was changed and such. To see the effects of semi solid brushes, check the two levels in bsp mode, you'll see that this one attached is a lot less split up. Also that glass on the top seems to be creating the bsp error on the subtracted brush(look at both levels, yours has a hole on the subtracted. There are some other things but those are performance notes which is totaly on your oppinion for what specs can use the level. So here is the fixed version


Cute and Cuddly
Aug 2, 2000
Salt Lake City UT
Ok I did a bunch of improvements. Now I need to make it so when you run into the reactor core you get blown apart and your body parts go everywhere. I can't seem to figure out how to do it. I also need a way to prevent people from using the t/l to get up into space in the large window on the cealing.

I also need some more suggestions on details things to add a larger variety of textures to the level so it feels less empty. Tell me where you think i need it and an idea on what to put there.


tangled web
May 18, 2001
Fractured Reality
For the hole where the glass was use an invisble collision hull the same shape that the glass was but a little smaller so it won't touch the brush(es) that make up the hole.
For the reactor just use a special event set the damage to some ungodly number and adjust the collision height and radius so it will cover the entire area of the room.


Soul on Ice
Apr 24, 2000
i would personaly use block player actors since they won't block shots, it would be better since it is a open ceiling now


Cute and Cuddly
Aug 2, 2000
Salt Lake City UT
I like x's idea but I'll also have to make a skybox that you can't shoot so can someone tell me how to do that. Also I tried using a special actor I went to the special actor properties and set the damage up pretty hight but when I went to the area nothing happened what do I need to set in the properties so that I can set gibs flying?

I still also need ideas for more detail so that the maps looks better and less empty. I did a lot of work lately changing textures and adding stuff. The windows and the computer pannels are good examples. I still need more, most specificly in the room with the jump pad. I can't seem to think of anything that I can put in there that won't obsturct the view. I like how when you stand at the entrance to the room with the falls you can see the falls the windows and then all the way back those two crystal pipes. I don't want to add anything that would make it so you can't see those.

One more thing what's the command so that you can see polycount and nonecounts along with any other ued commands.


tangled web
May 18, 2001
Fractured Reality
Ok you need to adjust the actor's radius, it's under properties, under collison, collison height and collison radius. But first right click on a viewports tool bar and under actor click on radi view so when you click on the actor you will be able to see the actual size of the radius. As for the polycount and node count in the log command window at the bottom of the editor type in stat fps and they will appear at the bottom of the 3D view. You can also use that command in game just hit tab and type it in and it will be in the same spot as in the editor

Level Designer
Oct 2, 2000
If you want to prevent players from shooting the sky then create another zone under the "ceiling" of the sky. Place a CloudZone (Actor-Info-Zoneinfo-CloudZone) into the zone and hit rebuild. If the zone is perfectly sealed off then any projectiles entering the CloudZone will disappear without hitting the ceiling.


Cute and Cuddly
Aug 2, 2000
Salt Lake City UT
Thanks fallonme I'll try that.

for the thing I think I'll put block player actors in there to prevent them from going up there. I don't think I can make the cloud zone without making a brush that was the shape I had before as the glass up there so I just wont make it. I have one question though if block player only blocks players then wouldn't they be able to get up there with the tl also when we made the skybox we tried to make a little space ship in there but we encountered the problem of that it didn't move with the rest of the box. I want to add something else like a planet there or somehting but I think it'll do the same thing. How do I make it so stuff that I put there in the skybox will move around too?
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Cute and Cuddly
Aug 2, 2000
Salt Lake City UT
Ok I'll try that and then attach it to the thread in a little bit. I think I'm done with the base now it needs to be given to everyone willing that I can find so that they can play with it make it play better and look better.