Lost Temple Of Fire

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Jan 13, 2005
Tampa FL

sorry i dont have anywhere to download it. but i can email it to you if you want as the file is only 3 or 4 megs. you could also get it frome the BBF server. i still have alot of stuff to fix and add, mostly secret ways to get around and teleporters so there are more ways to get to the top levels. last night i played it with 14 people and it was awesome. i have had suggestoins of putting more energy in the genorators but i kind of like how the game play worked out. more energy would allow for more turrets wich would make the level impossible to win. right now you have to dominate both energy sources for a few mins just to get enough energy to register an arti, and then if you have excess energy you can use turrets. with the turrets as powerfull as they are i like the fact that the use up much needed energy. also i need some suggestions on how to improve FPS. I have noticed that the emiters really chop things up (such as the big fire in the energy rooms). i made the emitter settings myself so that could be why, or ar emmiters just gpu or cpu intensive? i have zoned everything as best as i know how but if it is the emmiters than i could take some of the torches out. hit me back with suggestions............ OMNI
theomniproject said:
sorry i dont have anywhere to download it. but i can email it to you if you want as the file is only 3 or 4 megs. you could also get it frome the BBF server. i still have alot of stuff to fix and add, mostly secret ways to get around and teleporters so there are more ways to get to the top levels. last night i played it with 14 people and it was awesome. i have had suggestoins of putting more energy in the genorators but i kind of like how the game play worked out. more energy would allow for more turrets wich would make the level impossible to win. right now you have to dominate both energy sources for a few mins just to get enough energy to register an arti, and then if you have excess energy you can use turrets. with the turrets as powerfull as they are i like the fact that the use up much needed energy. also i need some suggestions on how to improve FPS. I have noticed that the emiters really chop things up (such as the big fire in the energy rooms). i made the emitter settings myself so that could be why, or ar emmiters just gpu or cpu intensive? i have zoned everything as best as i know how but if it is the emmiters than i could take some of the torches out. hit me back with suggestions............ OMNI

if you want, send me the map, i'll take a quick look at it and see what i can do. I am hella good with emitters now, so maybe i can help those out. send them to if you want. i can't play UTXMP atm, cuz of....something....anyways, i'll try to dl it thou and get back at ya. what's your guys IRC channel?
Jan 13, 2005
Tampa FL
Maethorn said:
Omni, here is a link to a download of it for everyone who is interested in seeing it:


As far as feedback....

I would suggest that you cut the number of torches in the bases in half, and for your next map make sure you use the grid ;)

It was my first map other than the ones in the 3dbuzz vids. i mest up my grid spacing accidentaly with some of the rooms and meshes and learned how difficult it can be later on with duplicating n stuff. i spent 2 days trying to get all the tunnels from the second and third level crypts to meet up with the sun platfoorm in the arti room but couldnt get all of them to work. hall of mirror wholes and invisble walls that i couldnt see anywhere in the editor, is that because of the grid spacing? i made the tunnels by stretching the verticies to where i wanted them and then had to adjust them because xmp guys are bigger than ut2k4 guys. i have been watching the fps in utxmp on the level now that i know how, stat fps, and i noticed that emitters are the thing that kills my fps the most, (other than a 5 on 5 battle) probably why the fps isnt that great in lost temple. thanks for the advice and the link...

1.Add a slight bit more energy (not too much cause the turrets would own)
2.get rid of excess fires/torches.
3.offset the deploy points
4. fix the damn tunnels (GRRRRR!!!)
5. Resize pillars in arti room so you dont get stuck behind them though you can usually dodge out of it....

thank you for the suggestions everyone...
Jan 13, 2005
Tampa FL
I keep having problems with parts of walls dissapearing for no reason. i dont touch em and later when i rebuild they just apear there. WTF? i cant see anything in the editor that makes anysense, any clues? well other than that i have finished converting some other maps for utxmp. Hall of giants, Island Hop, and 2 versions of face classic. if anybody wants me to send them a map to test out or post on a server email me.

here is a few things i fixed on lost temple

1. put a brush undeneath the pyramid in the middle so you cant see thorugh it.
2. fixed some missing brushes above the doors in the fire room that caused you to fall down and get stuck.
3. added another energy and deploy but want to know if it works out.

im also having a problem getting the rooms to zone properly... hopefully i will figure that out soon.
Island Hop, I hope you got permission from the author. Hall of Giants and Face Classic, i wouldn't bother to much about those. Any time you have straight forward maps, they tend to be server emptiers. I wouldn't waste too much time on converting too many of those maps. Island hop however, would be perfect.
Jan 13, 2005
Tampa FL
The Jackal-XMP said:
Island Hop, I hope you got permission from the author. Hall of Giants and Face Classic, i wouldn't bother to much about those. Any time you have straight forward maps, they tend to be server emptiers. I wouldn't waste too much time on converting too many of those maps. Island hop however, would be perfect.

OK. first, i have and will again give all design credit for island hop to Ben Beckwith. it is one of my favorite onslaught maps and i just thought it would be cool. if i knew something other than his name like an email adress, i would make sure it was cool with him. if it isnt cool with him then he can remake the map for utxmp himself, because he is obviously a WAY better mapper than me and could do alot better job. so until then the map rocks minus a few changes that i am going to do tonight. island hop is one of the most beatifull maps i have ever seen and adds some needed scenery to utxmp, thank u Ben Beckwith.

second, upon playing hall of giants i agree that it may not be the best map for xmp but... it adds some cool antiquity to utxmp considering the base of xmp is CTF and anyone who has played unreal since the begining of UT would apreciate that. plus it is cool just to fly around. at first i thought the gunners would suck for the level cause the rockets are slow but when people are floating the alt fire rockets are very good cause they loop around and kill anyone floating ... without low grav they rarely hit anyone moving. hall of giants is a classic... why not have it just incase?

Face classic... in the facing worlds that i wanted to convert i thought about making 4 towers by duplicating the 2 exsisting towers and rotating them to a cross.... it looks cool at least. yeah there would be snipers but ur team would have to defend against that with their own snipers. gunners defend the inside of the tower. and everybody runs to hack while jumping and praying that ur teamate snipes the enemy before they snipe you. should there be supply stations? and should the arti and energy be at the top or bottom of the towers?

any suggestions on maps to convert would be cool because i am just learning how to map and it helps looking at other maps. OMNi


The nozzle is now calibrating
Mar 10, 2004
57th State
If you're going to make Face a cross, then the 2 towers on the arms would be good places for energy. The node being right inside the front door would suck, so would the roof where an enemy sniper could decimate your defense. Actually, I don't think the towers proportions are right for physically placing a node in there without remodelling, are they?


New Member
Sep 28, 2004
It'd be better to remake the whole map than just porting it, for various reasons:
A.) UT2004 maps are meant for UT2004 gametypes, not XMP, so layout, etc., don't usually work out too well
B.) UT2004 maps are scaled differently than XMP

But porting can be faster.

I think you may be able to stick a node in FaceClassic, might be a tight fit though. Sniper map, I think it would be pretty stupid when 5 players on each team go sniper and camp the whole game, because anyone foolish enough to stick their head out the door would be hit by instantly 5 bullets. Sure, get counter snipers and whatnot, but it doesn't work out that well. Usually one team (with the better snipers, undoubtedly) completely dominates the other with a sniping group annihilating every opposition. That gets pretty mundane pretty quick. Ah well.

Off topic a bit, but I find it extremely irritating when someone puts a UT2004 vehicle in XMP for some reason. o_O

If you want a 4-way face map, then get CTF4 (4 team Capture the Flag) and there is a 4-way faceclassic map included.
Jan 13, 2005
Tampa FL

T-Shinzon said:
B.) UT2004 maps are scaled differently than XMP
can u scale and entire level up 1.3 to make room for the larger xmp characters? that way it would be more like the origional in size?

some onslaught maps make for great xmp levels. just trading the nodes for gen or deploys works great. at least i think so... island hop is awesome even though i would like to make the bridges bigger. and urban is cool too, not sure how that sheild tank is going to work out though ;). facing worlds and hall of giants are cool but i would like to scale them up a little as they are larger for utxmp characters. and right now converting boards is the easiest way i know to bring some refreshing scenery to utxmp. oh and shinzon, do you know how to get the minimap to align properly within the radar? i got the radar working but the pic i took wont align properly. any help would be great. thanks
Jan 13, 2005
Tampa FL
The Jackal-XMP said:
Island Hop, I hope you got permission from the author. Hall of Giants and Face Classic, i wouldn't bother to much about those. Any time you have straight forward maps, they tend to be server emptiers. I wouldn't waste too much time on converting too many of those maps. Island hop however, would be perfect.
hey Jackal i am almost done with lost temple and i need some help with the emitters. i have taken most of them out to improve the fps but want to put them back in. plus i am having some problems getting my minimap lined up correctly in my radar. any help would be great email me at [email protected]