Looking to start a mod

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Map Builder Extrodanaire
Oct 31, 2005
Hey all,

im looking to start a racing mod, i know your all thinking "whored mod!" but im wanting it to be a bit more like the old Need For Speed's.

what i need is-

a coder(vehicle coding, maybe some new hud scripting)
a talented vehicle/character/and mesh maker(cehicles, bystanders, scenery)
more mappers
and a texture artist

i myself am doing some basic mapping, its not absolutely good, but its a start.

so if anyone is interested,

yahoo- fiendskull9
aim- atleebass
msn- fiendskull9@gmail.com

p.s.- its not gonna be extremely hard to get into this mod, unless you have NO knowledge of the skill.

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UE3.0 mod Developer
Sep 9, 2005
No you aren't - don't listen to people like that. As long as you can contribute to the actual game, not just the design - and can find people who want to help you, then there is absolutely no reason at all why you 'have to be a coder to start a mod'.


beat me with a stick
Oct 28, 2002
Angel_Mapper said:
You're going to need to be a coder yourself if you're looking to start a mod.


i can see how being a coder would help any mod get started, i dont think you need to be one to get a mod going. there are many mods that the "founder" isnt a coder.

you are right though, knowing some code is very helpful, especially since coders are the thing that will make or break you.

no coders = no mod


New Member
Apr 13, 2004
A couple of points based on my experience:

1. Coders are the bottleneck in mod development. The sooner you find a reliable coder, the better off you are.

2. It's easier to control the direction of the mod if you are the coder. This only applies if:
a. You're the type who wants to have complete control.
b. There are differences of opinion amongst the team as to the direction of the mod. (This is a bad place to be).


Jun 17, 2001
Cape Suzette
HarvesterUT said:
there are many mods that the "founder" isnt a coder.
Coders are very hard to get, most are working on their own projects. I'm pretty certain mods where the person who started it isn't a coder had a friend who was. Or, at the very least, had a much more detailed design document than what is in the first post.
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Staff member
Jun 4, 2001
I do agree that you don't have to be a coder to start a mod, but if you aren't you better have more to add to it than just "basic mapping skills" and a vague outline of what needs to be done.


Map Builder Extrodanaire
Oct 31, 2005
lol, this was a fun read..... i can do some basic coding, thanks to my UT2004 bonus disc, but i got so annoyed of the guys voice(not buzz) that i just shut it off.... perhaps tonight ill whip it out.

[SAS]Solid Snake

New Member
Jun 7, 2002
New Zealand

Look at that thread there, even after some of the experience he has had, he is still finding it difficult.

Basic coding skills is vague. What does that even mean? Basic coding skills to me just means you know how to change a few default variables or at best copy/cut - paste code in. Its meaningless. Thats not even coding if you ask me. None the less,

Every mod requires a coder. Theres are hundreds of mod upstarts headed by modellers/mappers etc etc, but if they can't find a coder to do anything, then how do they do anything other than just make a run of the mill FPS (with UT2007). The other possibility is that the said leader is rather well known within the community with coders who want to help them out.

Lastly, be wary of people who claim they are coders. Code, and unrealscript in this case are easy to 'steal'/'borrow' or whatever term is hip these days.

Good luck in finding members to start your mod.


Active Member
May 27, 2004
Well I just noticed something on this thread. All of the coders who did post didnt seem to have any interest in helping you out thats a bit of a shame. Maybe if coders were a bit more open to other peoples ideas and not there own then maybe more mods would have a chance. I myself had trouble finding one, I did know a bit of unreal script at the time but have had to learn alot more since I couldnt find anyone with decent skills to help me out. I must admit though there is alot of coders who will spend time helping others to learn unrealscript, maybe between this, working and working on their own projects there just isnt enough time in the week. Dont let this get you down though its just something Ive tended to notice so hopefully this will help you out. Good luck!

[SAS]Solid Snake

New Member
Jun 7, 2002
New Zealand
Maybe if coders were a bit more open to other peoples ideas
In the case of this, very little is known about the actual idea except that it is racing mod. Is it an RC type racing mod, is it an top down micro machines type, is it 3D or 2D? ... so we (as coders) know so little. Remember, we don't think in terms of "oooh thats a cool idea", we think of "how much work is that going to be?"

since I couldnt find anyone with decent skills to help me out.
That is the best excuse you can come up with? This is exactly the same as "I can't do x because no tutorial was out there to help me". Who do you think writes tutorials? Do the people who write tutorials all developed Unrealscript? Maybe some of the people who write these tutorials just work damn hard to get to where they are? This isn't a personal attack on you as such, its more of a personal attack at your attitude towards learning.

I must admit though there is alot of coders who will spend time helping others to learn unrealscript, maybe between this, working and working on their own projects there just isnt enough time in the week.
Usually what I find is that it isn't the code which is holding them back. Its the content. Your not going to find elmuerte writing a Counter Strike mod, nor are you going to find Pfhoenix writing a WW2 mod ... they are going to work on something which is uniquely interesting ... and well not many content people are interested in those kinds of projects.


Active Member
May 27, 2004
I get where your coming from snake, the main thing I was trying to get across that if you want to write any sort of technical documentation you need extensive knowledge of the engine and its capabilities. In doing this Ive also learnt unrealscript (well some), so if someone has a design doc and no associated technical documentation (probably because they dont know enough) maybe they would be looking for a coder who would write the documentation probably taking on some kind of lead role as well as working on some of the design document as well. Depends on the status of the mod, after this is done Im sure coders can get to work on gameplay related coding but with out that initial tech doc it makes it very hard for coders to know what they are meant to be doing. This is turn would probably make the mod less attractive to coders who dont have enough time to commit to such a position.


Map Builder Extrodanaire
Oct 31, 2005
Well I just noticed something on this thread. All of the coders who did post didnt seem to have any interest in helping you out thats a bit of a shame. Maybe if coders were a bit more open to other peoples ideas and not there own then maybe more mods would have a chance. I myself had trouble finding one, I did know a bit of unreal script at the time but have had to learn alot more since I couldnt find anyone with decent skills to help me out. I must admit though there is alot of coders who will spend time helping others to learn unrealscript, maybe between this, working and working on their own projects there just isnt enough time in the week. Dont let this get you down though its just something Ive tended to notice so hopefully this will help you out. Good luck!

finally i nice reply.....
I do find it ironic that they have turned my thread into a bash fest that i didnt jump right on the coding wagon!

In the case of this, very little is known about the actual idea except that it is racing mod. Is it an RC type racing mod, is it an top down micro machines type, is it 3D or 2D? ... so we (as coders) know so little. Remember, we don't think in terms of "oooh thats a cool idea", we think of "how much work is that going to be?"

I mentioned in my first post, i want it to be like the old need for speeds...

ill popst some pics for you




you know, give it a bit of an arcade feel.....



UE3.0 mod Developer
Sep 9, 2005
no, you just flame people who dont code. That's the difference between here and every other modding site I happen to have come across.
Mods aren't all code you know.


Staff member
Jun 4, 2001
Fony_ said:
no, you just flame people who dont code. That's the difference between here and every other modding site I happen to have come across.
Mods aren't all code you know.
But quite unlike you we don't start (semi) off-topic flaming whenever we see an opportunity to do so. We never said mods are all about code. It's just that you wouldn't have a mod at all if nobody coded for it, while mods can very well exist in a code-only stage.
There's no need to post your flames in every recruitment thread, because that takes you to the same low level you think we have.


Active Member
May 27, 2004
Proving my point! How original is anything these days, most of the stuff made even the super block busters at hollywood arnt original why should mods or games be any different. Atleast its not another cs clone, I would think coders would be a bit more willing to do a mod such as this since, in my eyes its more of a challange technically to do a racing game. In a way though its not the type of mod that is the issue, I think its more the issue of experience, if you are not very experienced then maybe you should look to help out another mod till you get some skills together.