UE3 - General Looking for applicants for a project (paid and non-paid)

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New Member
Dec 6, 2010
Hey guys/gals. I am creating my senior project for school and using the UDK. I would like to add someone to our team (Matt Livengood, Chris Smith, and myself (Josh Hicks)). Matt is learning Unreal Script, Chris is doing storyboard, and I am creating the levels. None of us now anything about 3d modeling tools. We have played with 3ds max, but that was for a class. We want to make custom content like: 3 characters (1 main character and 2 enemies), weapons ( total of 3 - 4), and maybe some static meshes. I have been using what the UDK gives us, but in all honesty that's not, I don't know how to say it, "making it original".

We are college students and we work extremely hard. I have a 3.9GPA and work hard to keep it that way. We don't slack off. We just started this project and have until June/July 2011 to have it finished. We decided to start early because we have to learn Unreal Script and I have to brush up on UDK. This isn't a big game, more a less a demo to show off some skills. The "game" is only 3 levels. Level 1 is a top down/3rd person item finding enemy killing maze. Level 2 changes to contra style side scroll / flash game. Level 3 will be a normal FPS Doom style game.

If anyone is interested in helping us make models for everything, you will be given credit and your name in our game. We will also send you a copy of everything so that you get the experience for your professional experience / college experience.

Since we are college students, we do not have much disposable money. We are looking for a non-paid applicant. But if we really like your modeling and your dedication we will work something out to get you paid (if needed) for your time and work.

I hope to be talking to some people soon!

Josh Hicks
-Contact information-
Email: hickorynut@live.com
Community page: http://www.theriseoftsm.com/forums/member.php?128-hicks
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/TsMHicks?feature=mhum


New Member
Dec 6, 2010
Hey guys. I know some of people have been sending me emails about the position. I have been on vacation for 3 weeks, sorry the absence. As of right now, I am canceling the application for a 3D Artist just because like others say and I have been finding, there just isn't enough time.

I am open to any Unreal Scriptors though. Royalty only now! (had a issue over my vacation and can't pay right now) If you are interested please send me an email and I will forward it to my Script Teammate (Matt).

Thanks guys and again I am very sorry I had to do this

Will keep updating project log and youtube channel as I complete the other levels


New Member
Dec 6, 2010
oK Hahaha well good news! I am re opening all positions (coder and 3d artist) for our team. I keep looking at our game and I just keep wanting a new character to replace the default character in the UDK. I would really like for someone to help us here and make us a character. Again I have 0 experience in the 3ds max, Maya, and blender applications. The character model can be low poly to be honest.

These positions are still Royalty only though :/.

I am really looking for someone that will truly help us and give our game that little touch. And since I don't know anything about the 3d modeling applications, you might have to do a quick teach me on importing the models.


New Member
Dec 6, 2010
I just got a Audio designer from the UK, which is great! Now I would like to see some 3D Character Modelers apply. Remember it doesnt have to be a high poly character, just a low poly, enough to exchange the default robot in the udk with something different. Please let me know guys!

I am getting many static mesh modelers, but to be honest I really don't need any of those. Im sorry :(. I am ok with using the UDK static meshes and just creating cool things out them. If I haven't replied to you, I have been really busy with work and school last week :/.
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New Member
Dec 6, 2010
No i don't think we will need a gun in this game. Again this game is a demo more or less than a full out game. I will keep your information though if I am in need of the gun or possibly other projects (real games lol).


New Member
Dec 6, 2010
This is an update on the positions. I still have a sound guy, but I am really looking for a person who can model a character and 3 enemies with 1 running, and 1 attacking action, and a death animation. They can be low poly and you can use the 3ds max presets if you really want to. I would really really like to have some custom models in this game. This is Royalty ONLY!.



New Member
Jun 27, 2011
I use UDK

UDK I move in a long time and did not know existed Forum that I even made a map of the KILLING FLOOR long ago ... but if you want my help or if they want to teach me I'm kind of professional publisher hope to contact me whoever it is! My email till-collapse@hotmail.com I started to shake in UT2004 editor at these times and am still learning to shake new objects! Most already know basic. Kinematic ... doors ... Game over start of the game, View camera Characters Created ... etc ... i'm Brasil