Looking for an Unreal Engine Programmer

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New Member
Jul 7, 2005

Lucky Chicken Games is currently looking for Unreal Engine programmers.

Unreal Engine Programmer

Position involves using deep knowledge of Unreal engine code and scripts to help create an upcoming game. The position is an in house position. The good news is it is also in sunny Malibu California.

  • General game-programmer, to implement content systems, gameplay, AI and FX
  • Fully document your code in game, and write support documents for any tools
  • Meet deadlines and communicate well
  • Be responsive to the needs of the team
  • Educate other team members in the use of the Unreal Technology

  • 1 shipped Unreal engine title on any platform
  • 2+ Years C / C++ Programming experience
  • 3+ Years Game programming experience
  • Sample Code

· Bachelors degree in computer science or equivalent
Please send resumes and inquiries to: [email protected]