Looking for a UT2K4 Partner

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New Member
Nov 12, 2001
Antioch, CA.
Hello folks! I've got a sweet model concept I'd like to bring into UT2K4. The model I'd love to make can be found on one of the TV Shows on the Cartoon Network. I don't want to give any real big details away but I've never done this before.

I do however have Maya 6, Photoshop CS and a lot more graphical programs (not to mention 2K4). I've never done anything like this before and so I'm looking for someone with the knowledge and skill to make a new skin for Unreal Tournament 2004.

Well here is the thing; I’ve always wanted to get into making character models and/or skins for 2K4. Hell I went to a trade school that did mostly 3D work so I have experience in making models, just not one specific for games. I'm lacking the knowledge in exporting it from one app into the actual game. I've got the apps to allow me to do it, and I'm really looking for some help as to how to get started, well a rather helping hand if you will.

The cartoon character I have in mind for this would be a pretty cool character for the game just because the character could be seen on any planet (or at least that is how it would seem from the show). Not to mention the character does a lot of ass kicking every episode and major destruction which to me, sounds perfect in 2K4.

I would love to start modeling him, but I'm not that great of a Poly modeler as far as games go. I wouldn't know when to stop on the modeling as I’m a perfectionist when it comes to poly models and I know I don’t want that many poly faces.. I'm a good NURBS modeler... I just don't get how detailed I could be and how specific I want the model to look before letting the textures take over.

The reason I don't want to give the characters name away is because I'd rather not have someone beat me & a co-partner to the punch line with a half assed model/skin. I want the character to be represented as like on it's show and actually show those same "skills" in 2K4. (Well as closely as possible)

I would be more than willing to share what I have in mind with someone that is interested in making this concept character real in 2K4. Character clue: It would be a "robotic" skin/model

I would love to help in anyway I can, as I would love to learn from a Master Skin maker for 2K4 (or an experienced one at that). If you're interested in helping me along and going into a Co-Partnership on the completion of a skin, I would gladly publish the skin on my own personal web site along with any links to you and your site (or affiliates). You can e-mail me at Dexter@clanuta.com (or simply reply to this post). I'd love to hear from someone soon. :D
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Aug 2, 2004
Dexter eh, is he even on any more, personally I'd like a megas xlr frcom CTNT, but I'd support this. Go do now my skinners/modellers :p.


New Member
Nov 12, 2001
Antioch, CA.
I'm actually looking for help... not asking permission... Although it's not the cartoon version... here is the Toy version of what I'd love to have in 2K4.

Megas XLR


Yes Dexter's Lab is still on Cartoon Network. (And no I have no plans on making Dexter... or Didi)
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New Member
Nov 12, 2001
Antioch, CA.
Well I'd get started as soon as I had someone that knew what I should probably work on first. Again I'm wanting to get my feet wet & then jump in.

There just dosn't seem to be any lifeguards on duty. :(