Looking for a specific UT2k4/3 map - help needed!

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New Member
Mar 15, 2010
Hi out there!

I am looking for a specific UT2k4 (or UT2k3) map.

It was CTF or maybe DOM, blue and red base. It was in a cave or cavern, with parts of statues protruding from one wall. Basically a single room, one side the statues, other side the flag.
I think the caves were connected by transporters and you spawned on an arm or other parts of these statues. The statues looked as if in agony.
The blue cave had water or even ice theme, the red cave lava (I guess).

I have checked all my maps, about 3 DVDs full. A fourth DVD turned out to be unreadable - now guess were I suspect that map to be. :mad:

If I just could remember the name! So if you know this map, have seen it anywhere for download, simply know it's name or maybe have it installed- pleast post!


New Member
Mar 15, 2010
Yes, filenames I can see.. but not copy them on my HD. Didn't try Isobuster, but I did rewind it. Filenames don't help much, it's a DVD and I have no clue which of the hundreds of CTF-Maps it could be.
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