Level Designers

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Hey guys,

Few questions...

1. Could a bunch of you check out and evaluate my InF_Ghetto map for me, I really need to know what the go is with it. A detailed report of stuff that is wrong with it etc would be really appreciated. On that note anyone who would like some testing done, I'm more that happy.

2. Does anyone know if you can do moving zone barriers, I've got this idea (haven't tried it yet) of using a non solid brush and having it as a mover, with a water zone info underneath, might work I dunno, prob not.

3. Any ideas, for maps. Always gotta ask.



On the moving zone barriers I don't think you can do that since as I understand it, the zones are built/delineated for the engine when you do a rebuild (F
of the level in the editor.

Moving the barrier would at best do nothing because the engine already has the zone info at the start. Or worst case the level would crash immeadiately when started. or when the barrier moved.

Zones are tricky and any little tiny leak and you make the whole level that type of zone.

I have had a lava zone barrier misadjusted and the whole level was a lava zone. Start game, spawn and immeadiately start taking damage, die. Or a water zone and swim all over the map until you drown. heh heh.



OOPs!! that
should read F8

IndiQa puts one PSG round in the smiley guys left eye.


- Check out Ghetto!
I'm trying to patch a mail together /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

- Moving zone barriers?
Yes do know, NO you can not. Old discussion from the megaboard. The best way is if you make the surrounding room the mover. It can also be made (if it is a trap) with a triggered painzone and a mover build from several brushes (emulating floating). If you want non mover brushes to go thru the surface of the water zone, remember to put them there before the zone brush.

- Idears?
International Airport (VERY BIG map), International Hotel (BIG map), Local Hotel in Victorian style (mood and labyrintic layout).